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Retina Sensitivity-Dark and Light Adaptation

When retinal decreases in the retina,it is formed from Vitamin A,and when increases it is changed into Vitamin A.This interconverstion helps in long term adaptation of the retina to different light intensities.

In vitamin A deficiency dark adaptation is impaired,leading to "night blindness"in which light vision is defective.

Dark Adaptation:
When one passes from daylight into dark place,vision is at first very imperfect,but gradually it improves by increasing the sensitivity to light.This is called dark adaptation and is due to re-synthesis of receptor photopigments,together with change of vitamin aA into retinal.

Sensitivity in dark adaptation increases in two phases:
-Initial rapid but slight increase,which is completed within few minutes.
-Later slow but marked increased,which is completed within 20 minutes up to 1 hour.

When dark adaptation is complete,the retinal sensitivity to light increases more than 10 000 times.

Light Adaptation:
When one passes to light after prolonged darkness,dazzling occurs at first,but rapidly the sensitivity to light decreases which is called light adaptation.It is due to dissociation of photopigments into retinal and opsins and change of retinal in vitamin A.It needs 5 minutes to be complete.It can be prevented by wearing red glasses in the bright light.

You can get infected by eating raw,improperly cooked fish or freshly salted fish-Heterophyes heterophyes Parasite

Heterophyes Parasite has a oval shape,tick and light brown colour.Is formed of body and tail,2 dark eyes spots,is a oral sucker and has 7 pairs of penetration glands.

The adult worms live in the samll intestine of man,dog,cat and other fish eating animals.Eggs are discharged with faeces.
The eggs does not hatch in water but is ingested by snail that lives in brackish water.Whitin the snail and develops into other generation that leave the sanil to the water.This penetrate the skin of fishes (like Bolthy and Boury fishes of Egypt).In the muscle of fish the parasite reach the infective stage.So,the cycle needs 2 intermediate hosts.

The definitive host is infected by eating raw fish,improperly cooked (for exemple grilled) or freshly salted fish (less then 10 days).
In the small intestine,the cyst wallis dissolved and start the infective stage.Eggs appear in faeces 2-3 weeks after infection.

-Mild inflammation and superficial necrosis of the mucous at the site of attachment.
As symptoms: colicky pain,diarrhoea with mucus and blood.
-Eggs emboli: eggs may find their way into circulation where they are carried to ectopic sites (for exemple heart and can lea to myocarditis and heart failure).

Eggs can be detected in faeces by laboratory test.

Infection by heterophyes parasite can be controled by periodic examination of water (avoiding defecation in water),by mass treatment and proper cooking of fish.

Parasites that can infect humans who eat raw fish

Which foods you should avoid during pregnancy?Risk of food poisoning

There are some foods you should eat when you're pregnant to avoid exposing yourself to the risk of food poisoning or because they're potentially harmful to your unborn baby.

Ilnesses that you can get from certain foods:

Is a ilness that you can get from foods that contains listeria bacteria.Listeria can cause stillbirth,miscarriage or severe ilness in new born babies.
Listeria bacteria can be found in foods like:
-soft and blue cheeses.There is no risk of listeria in hard cheese such as cheddar or processed cheese.
-some prepared salad,such as potatos salad and coleslow
-ready meals or reheated food.

Salmonella or campylobacter:
Campylobacter is found in:
-raw meat
-unpasteurised milk
-untreated water.

Salmonella is found:
-raw milk
-unpasteurised milk
-raw egg

Don't eat foods containing raw cooked eggs,such as homemade mayonnaise nd some sauces.Eat eggs if they're cooked until both the white and yolk are solid.
Take extra care with products made from minced meat,such as sausages and burgers.Take care with meat at barbeques.Bacteria breed quickly on foods that's left uncovered in a warm place.
Take care that the raw meat didn't come into contact with other food (for example in the fridge),particularly with food that's already cooked,or food that will be eaten raw.

Toxoplasmosis is an infection caused by parasite found in cat faeces,but it can be present in :
-raw or undercook meat
-unwashed fruits and vegetables

Always remember to wash your hands after hadling or touching raw meat or if you come into contact with animals!

Essential vitamins in Pregnancy diet

Prevent Stretch Marks Naturally-Pregnancy Tip for a healthy and beauty pregnancy

What are the stretch marks?

Stretch marks are those deep red lines that can occur on your tummy,your breasts,upper arms,hips,tighs and buttocks.

How to prevent stretch marks become a industry in the world of cosmetics and beauty care,but the reality is that is one powerfull factor capable on influencing appearance of this problem : your HEREDITY.

The good news is that there are ways to decrease this risk,starting with watching your weight by keeping extra killograms over control.When skin is forced to stretch too rapidly,the underlying dermal structure breaks down allowing stretch marks to develop.Is imperative that you gain healthy amount of weight during your pregnancy,a slow and gradual gain id the best,not only for your baby but for your body also.
From the beauty shops you can take any product that is good for dry skin (is important to be a deep moisturizer),but is important to pick up a product containing less chimicals and preservatives,becose if the product is one fast absorbed in the skin the tiny capillaries dilated from pregnancy can carry the chimical ingrediants into your bloodstream and eventually to your baby.

That's why is important to use natural skin care products.
Is necessary to prevent the stretch marks and to choose all natural fat products with moisturizing properties.
One product that can give you all the moisturizer properties you need is pure cocoa butter.

Some of the most skin quenching products you can use are those you make yourself with ingredients that can be found easy.

You can try:
Two teespoons of honey in a warm bath (this can draw moisture to your skin).If you prefere to take shower,squeez some honey on your wet belly and rub it.Let it remain wihile you continue your shower and rinse off right before you're done.

Make your own natural moisturizer by heating equal parts of grated cocoa butter and coconut oil in a microwave until melted.Steer well,let cool and apply generously on your tummy,hips,buttocks,breast and arms.

Also,soak a clean,withe cloth in small dish of warm milk,squeez out and apply the compress to your belly for up to 1 hour.

And remember for all those of you already experiencing stretch marks,is not to late to moisturize!

PREGNANCY DIET-Essential Vitamins,the Source and their Role in the body

During pregnancy you have to pay special atention to the nutrition.Your daily diet has to be composed of nutritive elements required of human body for a normal growth,a good metabolism and a strong immune system.

For your health and your baby health,for a good function of the body during pregnancy consume group of foods rich in vitamins and minerals.

Essential Vitamins,Source and Role:

Vitamin A -is essential for the maintenance of the integrity of ephitelial tissue.Forms healthy skin and helps eyesight and also helps with bone growth.
Are rich in vitamin A: carrots,dark leafy greens,sweet patatoes.

Vitamin C -is responsible of regeneration of ephitelial tissue,cartilage,osteroid tissues,capillariesand blood vessels .Promotes healthy gums,teeth and bones and helps your body absorb iron.
Are rich in vitamin C: citrus fruits,broccoli,tomatoes,strawberries.

Vitamin D -is essential for bone metabolism,it regulates the intestinal absorbtion of Calcium and Phosphates which are important for bone and teeth formation and maintenance.
Are rich in vitamin D: fatty fish such salmon,milk enriched with vitamin D.Also the sunlight exposure is important.

Vitamin B6 -the group of vitamin Bs is important in synthesis of DNA ,maturation of red blood cells and nerve cell function.Helps body use protein,fat and carbohydrates.
Are rich in vitamin B6: beff meat,liver,whole grain cereals,bananas.

Vitamin B12 -Maintains nervous system and is necessary to form red blood cells.
Are rich in vitamin B12 : red meat,liver,fish,milk.Vitamin B12 is found only in animal foods,vegetarians should take a supplement.

Folic acid -needed to produce blood and protein.

Folic acid is found in green,leafy vegetables,liver,orange juice,legumes and nuts.


Pregnancy Trimesters

A normal pregnancy lasts around 37-41 weeks and the average is 40 weeks from the first day of your last period.
Pregnancy is devided into trimesters to help describe better the changes that happen during all stage.

First Trimester:
From one to 12 weeks.
During first trimester happen changes in hormons and cause different changes in your body.
A missed period is one of the early signs of pregnancy.
As well as a missed period you might have other early symptoms :
-breast tenderness
-darker nipples and darker and larger areola
-frequent urine

Other symptoms of first trimester:
-nausea,you can stand different smells or tastes
-constipation (to avoid this drink alot of fluids and have a healthy diet based of fibres)

Your baby will grow and develop quickly in the first trimester.When you'll be 10 weeks pregnant all the bady parts are present and the placenta is fully formed.At this point the embryo is known as fetus.

Nutrients are transferred from you to the baby through the placenta.Waste products from the baby are return to your circulation to e removed.
Don't drink alcohol during pregnancy.Also,is particularly important during the first three months when important organs are formed,to not smoke,drink alcohol and to avoid all chimical products.

Second Trimester:
From 13 to 27 weeks.

Your pregnancy will start to show during the second trimester.Any sickness or nausea get better by the time you are 16 to 20 weeks pregnant.
Changes that appears during second trimester:
-hip pain
-pelvic pain
-baby move (around 18 to 20 weeks or earlier if is first pregnancy)

During second trimester your baby organs mature and the skeleton gets harder.The baby swallows amniotic fluid and passes it through its gut.The kidneys start to work and pass small aamounts of urine.
By 19 weeks your baby is able to hear
At the end of this trimester your baby has chance of surviving if it is born prematurely.But in this case need intensive care.

Third Trimester:
From 28 to 40 weeks.
The breast will grow,appears stretch marks that usually will fade after the baby is born.
The extra weight will get you tired and hard breating.
The baby head starts to drop down into your pelvis ready for delivery (around 37 weeks).
You'll fell to pass urine more ofen.
Contractions appear in third trimester and can be mistaken for labour.

The weight you gain during pregnancy isn't the same as getting fat.The extra weight is made up to:
-the developing baby,placenta and aminiotic fluid
-growth of your womb and breasts
-the increased blood in your circulation
-water retention.

"Death-Care"-Dead body preparation and transportation out of Egypt

In case of death ouside the original country the funeral procedure can be complicated and expensive.
For all those dealing with this situation we offer a responsable service that includes preparation and transportation anywhere outside Egypt.

Our company takes care of :
-cadaver preparation (according to religion)
-embalment or special requirements
-preserved refrigirator
-clothing and coffin (and required accesories)
-transportation outside Egypt (availability for all countries)

Also we provide health report,death certificate or other needed statement from any autority of Egypt.
All company responsability until arrival at destination.