Indications :
If the whole blood or any of the components is deficient blood transfusionis indicated as in case of:
-Acute hemorrhage
-Severe anaemia
However,if one element only is deficient it is preferable to give packed red blood cells and human plasma transfusions.
-blood should be compatible assured by cross matching test
-blood should be free from contamination
-blood should be free from blood born diseases
-blood should be fresh (less than 2 weeks storage)
-high haemoglobin content.
Blod is stored at 4* C.
The donor may suffer from anaemia in repeated donation and shock in excessive volume donation.
The recipient may suffer from:
-mechanical effect:air or fat embolism.
-infective comploications:hepatitis,AIDS,Malaria.
-physiological complications:overloadingin excessive transfusion leading to heart failure,pyrogenic reaction.
-incompatibility complications:increased blood viscosity leading to heart failure,arrhytmia.
The quantity and role of water in the body.Signs and Symptoms of deficit or excess of water
The total amount of water in a man of average weight (for exemple 70 kg) is approximately 40 liters.
In a newborn infant,this total amount of water may be as high as 75% of body weight,but it progressively decreases from birth to old age and most of the decrease occurring in the first 10 years of life.
The intracellular component of body water accounts for about 40% of the body weight and the extracellular component for about 20%.Approximately 25% of the extracellular component is in the vascular system: for exemple plasma 55 of the body weight,75% outside the blood vessels and intestitial fluid 15% of the body weight.
Daily intake of water:
About 2/3 of our daily intake of water is in the form of pure water or other beverage,and the remainder is in the food that is eaten.
150 to 250 ml/day is synthesized in the body as a result of oxidation of hydrogen in the food.
The normal intake of fluid,including that synthesized is about 2300 ml/day.
Daily loss of body water:
The water is lost from the body under different conditions.Under normal condition the daily intake of water has to be equal with the daily loss of water.Changes occurs in case of diabetes (when there is a disproportion between the amount of electrolytes and the amount of water ingested or loss from the body).
Ingested water diffuses freely across almost all cell membranes from areas with high water concentration to areas with low water concentration.
Since two thirds of body water is intracellular and one third is extracellular,water is gained or loss from the body in the same proportion from both compartments.
For exemple if an individual drinks 3 liters of water,2 liters will diffuse in to the cells and 1 liter will remain in the extracellular fluids.water loss will be distributed in the same proportions.
Water deficit:
Water deficit is caused by:
-decreased water intake
-increased water loss
-increased solute ingestion or metabolic disorders as diabetes.
The symptoms of water deficit:
Vary according to the cause,severity of the change and the time course.
Symptoms include:
-increased irratability
-tonic spasm
-can lead to death from respiratory failure.
Water excess:
Can occur as a result of :
-excess water intake
-decreased water excretion
-renal sodium loss.
Symptoms and signs of water excess:
-intense thirst
-muscle cramps
The importance of Rh factor in case of pregnant woman
-Rh + (positive) with D antigen
-Rh - (negative) without D antigen
Antigen=substance that lead the immunity system to produce antibodies which will kill or neutralize foreign bodies recognized as hurmful.
The disease occurs of an Rh - 9negative) mother carries an Rh+ (positive) foetus,small amounts of foetal blood leak into the maternal circulation at the time of delivery,thus the mother will produce anti D agglutinins.
During the next pregnancy the mother agglutinins cross the placenta to Rh + foetus causing hoemolysis of foetal red blood cells may lead to:
-Anaemia of foetus
-death of foetus
-Jaudince with deposition of bile pigment in the basal ganglia as the blood brain barrier is not developed yet.
The first baby (with Rh +) is affected in case of maternal sensitization by:
-previous Rh+ blood transfusion
-foetal maternal hemorrhage during pregnancy.This disease can be prevented by avoing Rh+ blood transfusion to Rh - females and if pregnancy and labour happend an anti D antibodies are given to neutralize the D antigens of Rh + foetal cells and prevent sensitization of the mother.
The born baby should be treated by exchange blood transfusion with Rh- group O blood.
Blood disease,
Nutrition Prevention,
Woman Health
Blood Groups-Classification and Importance of Blood Groups
Antigens=a substance that causes the immun system to produce antibodies which will kill or neutralize the antigens recognized as foreign and potentially hurmful invader.
Are two main systems of antigens: ABO and Rh systems.
ABO System:
1.Group A : 40% of population,red blood cells have A agglutinogens and the plasma contains anti B antibodies.
2.Group B: 10% of the population,red blood cells have B antigen and plasma contain anti A.
3.Group AB: 5% of the population,red blood cellshave both agglutinogens A+B,the plasma does not contain aglutinins.
4.Group O: 45% of population,red blood cells have no agglutinogens but the plasma contain both agglutinins Anti A+Anti B.
Rh System:
People are classified according to the presence or absence of Rhesus antigens (most common type D) into:
-Rh + (with D antigen) 85% of population.
-Rh - (without D antigen) 15% population.
Importance of Blood Groups:
1)Medicolegam importance: Disputed parenthood.Regarding blood groups inheritance 2 antigens are inhirited from both father and mother.This antigens determine the group.The A+B antigens are dominant while the O one is recessive.
2)Blood Transfusion: If transfused blood is incompatible usually the donor red blood cells agglutinated by recipient plasma as the donor's sterum is diluted in recipient blood.
-Group O is the universal donor (no agglutinogens)
-Group AB is the universal recipient (no agglutinins).
3)Importance of Rh Factor: The disease occurs of an Rh - (negative) mother carries an Rh + (positive) foetus,small amounts of foetal blood leak into the maternal circulation at the time of delivery,thus the mother will produce Anti D agglutinins.
Oncology Treatment,Surgery and Transplant Availability-Medical Center,Egypt
Life Medical Assistance brings professionalism,quality,availability and accessibility!
The company offers Medical Centers and Medical Clinics specially dedicated for medical tourism,offering the opportunity to receive quality treatment and care in the the highest standards units at an affordable cost in support of patients with special medical needs.
Our centers offer modern technology, innovative research opportunities and operating procedure, concentrated work of a professional team of doctors (Prof.Doctors and specialized medical team), laboratory services and investigation center,transplant availability (with National Institute for Medical Research approval and support ), a safe framework and friendly atitude.
Every year are 130 registered cases of oncology (with optimum result).
We are the choise of patients from countries like : Poland, Russia, Ukraine, Czech Republic, Serbia, Netherlands, etc...
The prices come to support the life chances of every individual suffering.
Life Medical Assistance offers:
-medical treatment
-admission clinic with an attendant during treatment
-accommodation for the period prior to medical intervention itself
Ask for help! L.M.A is next to you!
Medical Tourism at Red Sea
The company offers Medical Centers and Medical Clinics specially dedicated for medical tourism,offering the opportunity to receive quality treatment and care in the the highest standards units at an affordable cost in support of patients with special medical needs.
Our centers offer modern technology, innovative research opportunities and operating procedure, concentrated work of a professional team of doctors (Prof.Doctors and specialized medical team), laboratory services and investigation center,transplant availability (with National Institute for Medical Research approval and support ), a safe framework and friendly atitude.
Every year are 130 registered cases of oncology (with optimum result).
We are the choise of patients from countries like : Poland, Russia, Ukraine, Czech Republic, Serbia, Netherlands, etc...
The prices come to support the life chances of every individual suffering.
Life Medical Assistance offers:
-medical treatment
-admission clinic with an attendant during treatment
-accommodation for the period prior to medical intervention itself
Ask for help! L.M.A is next to you!
Medical Tourism at Red Sea
Safaga (Red Sea)-Destination with medical benefits.Use the nature to heal your rheumatic and dermatological problems

Resort dedicated to Medical Programs:
-sea view hotel
-all servicies included
-privat beach
-dinning room
-beach restaurant
-panoramic roof
-diving center
-privat clinic
-specialists doctors in service
-medical personal
Life Medical Assistance offers Treatment Program for Rheumatic and Skin Disease-Treatment procedure with medical recomandation and supervision.
Sitting Hotel
Treatment program
Internal Transportation
Red More
Egypt-Medical Travel,
Treatment Resort
Fish Parasites that can infect humans who eat raw fish
Can appear in lake regions from Europe,America,Russia,Japon,Central Africa.
The broad tapeworm has a size of 3-10 metres in lenght and spoon shape.
Adult worms live in the small intestine of man,dog,cat and fish eating animals.Eggs are discharged with faeses.In fresh water the egg matures and hatches within 2 weeks.
Is necessary a detection of eggs in faeces and a blood test for diagnosis.
ACUTE APPENDICITIS-Causes ans Symptoms
Predisposing Factors:
-Obstruction : it may be due to hard faeces,adhesions,kinking and parasites.
-Anatomical Factors: a narrow lumen and its wall is rich in lymphoid follicles.
-Septic Focus from which organisms are carried to the lymphoid follicles.
-Diet: High protein and low fibres diet predisposes to constipation,which leads to stasis of colon.
-Route of Infection: Usually from the lumen and rarely blood or lymphatic spread.
-Organisms: Usually E.Coli,streptococs.
Are known 2 types of appendicitis:
1.Acute obstructive appendicitis:(the most common).This produce ra[idly progressive severe inflammation that can lead to gangrene and perforation.
2.Acute Non-Obstructive Appendicitis:(less common).Produce mild slowly progressive inflammation.
Usually is about a recent constipation or history of similar attacks.
Appear colicky pain in obstructive type and dull aching in non abstructive type.The pain become acute.
It is aggravated by movements or cough.
At first the pain is generalized abdominal and most marked around the umbilicus (both appendix and umbelicus are supplied by the 10th thoracic segment of the spinal cord).
Appears distension of appendix and visceral pain.
After 6-10 hours pain localises in the right inferior part of abdomen.
Appears nausea in non obstructive type and vomiting in obstructive type.Vomiting occurs once or twice only and if persistant it indicates complications.
The causes are not definitly known,but certain risk factors ,precancerous conditions and host variables are known to influence susceptibility of breast cancer.
Risk factors:
1.Hormonal Disturbance:endogenous and exogenous.Increased estrogen,progesteron and prolactin.
2.Contraceptive pill:proper use is safe (not precancerous or risky).Under certain circumstances oral contraceptive may be potentially risky for development of breast cancer:
-continued,not interrupted,oral contraceptive for long time:years undefined,may be more than 4.
-practice of oral contraceptive over 35 years of age,may be also risky.
3.Parity (full term pregnancy):
-multiparas (women with many pregnancies) are exposed to more incidence of breast cancer,that usually appears in 40-60 years,specially when regular breast-feeding is not fallowed.
-mother that don't practice breast feeding are exposed to milk retention,and is risk to breast cancer.
-wemen that never gived birth to babies are more at risk.
-wemen having there first full term pregnancy at older age,specially after 35 may also show somewhat higher incidence of breast cancer.
4.Menstruation Pattern:
Early menanche (under 12) and late natural menopause (after 50) are associated with little increased incidence.
Late menanche and early menopause are associated with lower incidence.
5.Family history of breast cancer:
Family having cases of breast cancer show higher incidence of disease.The more intimate the degree of relation,more risk is.
Cancer at one breast increases susceptibility to involvement of the other breast.
Cases of cancer body uterus show more incidence of breast cancer and case of breast cancer show increased endometrial cancer.
RHEUMATIC HEART DISEASE-Rheumatic Carditis a problem of children and teenagers
It usually fallows recurrent attacks and sometimes a single attack.Some cases are spotted as rheumatic carditis without clinically obvious rheumatic fever before.
Rheumatic heart disease is a problem of children and adolescents,commonly age is 5-15 yeras,and preschoolar children may be uncommonly affected.
Rheumatic Heart Disease is considered a social disease,being attributed to low socioeconomic circumstances.
Predisposing socioeconomic factors:
-poor houses and slums:inhabitans live under poor insanitary conditions and at risk of exposure to repeated source or infection.
--faulty habits of the public: related to spread of infections
-lowered body resistance:due to poor living conditions
Rheumatic Carditis Symptoms:
Cardic and pulmonary manifestations in varied severity.
Rheumatic Carditis lead to complications like:
-atrial fibrillation (cardiac arhythmia)
-embolic involvment of different parts (vascular blockage)
-infective endocarditis (inflammation of the inner layer of the heart)
-calcification of affected valves (calcium deposit).
Prevention of Rheumatic Carditis:
-sanitary housing with good ventilation and spacing.
-sanitary diet and lifestyle.
Control Of Rheumatic Heart Disease:
-adequate nutrition
-complete rest in bed if s diagnosed to prevent complications
-long term chemoprophylaxis to prevent reccurent infections.
Chronic Lymphatic Leukaemia-Characteristics and Treatment
Chronic Lymphatic Leukaemia can appear above 50 years and in both sex are equal.
25% of case are asymtomatic.
-liver and spleen are usually enlarged
-increased incedence of infection
-leukaemia infiltrations may occur
-anaemia and bleeding tendency may occur.
-blood test
In case of asymtomatic patient the treatment is not needed.
Once symptoms or complications occur start treatment.
Is necessary antibiotic treatment,transfusions and irradiation.
Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia
Acute Leukaemia-Symptoms
Stem Cell and Bone Marrow Transplant-Leukaemia Treatment
Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia-Symptoms,Treatment and Prognosis
Chronic Myeloid leukaemia can appear in middle age (male or female) and evoluates gradualy.
-dragging pain in left hypochondrium due to splenic enlargement
-stitching pain in the left hypochondrium may occur due to splenic infarction leading to perisplenitis
-generalized bony pain
-pallor and symptoms of anaemia
-fever,sore throat and increased incidence of infection
-bleeding tendency and purpuric eruptions
Symptoms due to leukaemia deposits are rare.
-low grade fever,loss of weight.
-blood test
-external puncture,liver biopsy.
As general measures: blood transfusion for anaemia and antibiotic for infection.
Is necessary Chemiotherapy and Irradiation.
The life expectancy in case of Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia is between 1-10 years,average 2-3 years.
Patology and Oncology Treatment visit
Stem Cells Bank.Transplant Treatment in case of Leukaemia
The causes are unknown but several factors may play a role in developing the disease:
Virus Infection
Genetic Factor
Presence of Abnormal Chromosome
Irradiation and Chimicals (as benzene)
From acute leukaemia that is more common in children and young adults,to myeloid leukaemia more common in midlle age and lymphatic leukaemia usually more common above age of 50 years the patient need treatment.
In case of acute leukaemia the disease can be fatal in 6 month without treatment.Acute leukaemia is curable but acute myeloblastic leukaemia is fatal in 2-5 years under treatment.
The treatment in case of acute leukaemia can be as supportive measures:repeated transfussions,platelets transfusions (for bleeding),isolation,antibiotic and granulocytes transfusion (for infections).Also is necessary administration of drugs that need to be changed rapidly in medical centers.
For acute lymphoblastic leukaemia is necessary irradiation.
In case of myeloid leukaemia life expectancy is between 1-10 years,average 2-3 years.Is needed as treatment: blood transfusion,antibiotic administration,chemotherapy,irradiation.
In case of chronic lymphatic leukaemia is necessary irradiation,symptomatic treatment (antibiotic and transfussions).
In case of Luekaemia a Stem Cells Transplant can be a solution of healing.
In collaboration with National Medical Institute of Egypt,Life Medical Assistance Medical Company offers a chance for Stem Cells Transplant Treatment.
Investigations,surgical intervation,transplant (without waiting list),post-operation medical assistance,related medicine,possibility of attendant for all time of procedure.
Life Medical Assistance works to provide easy acces to treatment for all people in need,providing an accesible price!
Ask help and find a solution for your problem!
Red Sea,Egypt Healthy Vacation-Relaxation with natural medical benefits!Treat PSORIASIS and RHEUMATIC problems and enjoy the splendid time in an exotic place!
The water and the mud enriched by natural elements and the ultra violet rays purity structure have been recognized for its healing capacity in psoriasis and rheumatic diseases.
Life Medical Assistance offers you a special package :Vacation with medical Benefits!
Enjoy relaxing time and treat your medical problems with a special program care in Safaga.
Safaga Resort-Medical Care and Medical Treatment
3 stars regim hotel
all rooms sea view
all utilities
privat beach
dinner salon
beach restaurant
3 meals/day
panoramic roof
diving center (snorkeling and diving)
specialist doctors
medical supervision and treatment (all medical procedure)
Visit L.M.A Medical Tourism for pictures and more informations.For other details Contact Us!
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