Side effects of hormonal "oral" contraceptives:
-headache irritability,depression
-thromboembolic diseases like deep venous thrombosis,pulmonary embolism,cerebrovascular ischemia,myocardial infection
-nausea and vomiting common in 1st cycle
-impairement of liver function(cholescystitis and gall stone)
-impairement of glucose tolerance with increasing in fasting blood sugar
-increase in body weight
-breast engorgement,tenderness and enlargement
-decrease in milk production in lactating women
-water retention
-spotting-minimal bleeding during pill taking or break through bleeding(bleeding similar to menstruation)
-hypomenorrhea or amenorrhea(exces of menstrual bleeding or abscence of menstrual period)
-loss of libido
-skin pigmentation
-rarely loss of hair
-acne vulgaris may appear or improve.
-migrene headache
-history of embolism,thrombosis and cerebrovascular accidents
-heart failure
-impaired liver function with history of iaudince
-prediabetic and diabetic
-obese women,smokers and for women over 35 years
-carcinoma of breast
-uterine fibroid
The contaceptive pill decrease therapeutic effect of:
-oral anticoagulant
Incease side effects of the contraceptive pill:
-tabacco smoking
-antifibrionlytic aminocaproic acid.
Other uses of contracetive pill:
-pregnancy test(2 pills daily for 5 days)
-suppression of lactation
-postpone menstruation
-dysfunctional uterine bleeding