Geriatric health-health of the elderly(aging persons) who form a vulnerable group that needs special care.
Onset of aging cannot be precisely given.It may be considerated 60 years but the recent trend is 65-70 years.
The elderly can be classified according to magnitude of health problems into 2 age groups:65-79 and plus 80 yeras.
The elderly are exposed to morbidity,injuries and disability that are responsable for physical,mental and social complications.
cardiovascular is the common form of morbidity(atherosclerosis,hypertension and complications,varicosity).
-cerebrovascular disease
-involved sensory and motor nerves
Problems on teeth and gums that may interfere with proper feeding.
4.Bone and joints:
-osteorthritis(a common disorder) and back and joint aches
-osteoporosis(the common metabolic disease of bone).
5.Malnutrition and Deficiency:
A common problem due to;
-anorexia,oral disease and missing teeth and impaired digestion,absorption and metabolism
-low income or living alone and doesn't exist nobody to take care of their food.
6.Disorders of Special senses:
-presbycusis:impaired hearing whit aging and deafness that is sensorineural,usually bilateral and symmetrical.
-senile macular degeneration and cataract and other visual disorders.
-diminished speech.
7.Respiratory:chronic bronchitis.
The elderly are exposed to accidents that cause injuries of varied severity and sequele.Fractures,specially fracture neck femur are particularly important.
Morbidity of aging and injuries may interfere with physical activity or mental psychologic behaviour.
Elderly Heath Program
Is needed organized elderly health programs to provide preventive and curative services of primary health care for:
-maintenance of health to keep the aging person in good health
-prevention of health complications associated with the aging process
-control of health complications,some of complications may be inevitable and more or less incurable.
-management of disability and rehabilitation if is necessary.
Is necessary teaching and counseling the elderly for principles of healthful lifetstyle by personal aproach and mass media.
we can help elderly by socioeconomic promotion:satisfactory income and social study to solve their problems and provide support when they needed.
The aging persons need periodic medical examination for early cases-finding and management.