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Sexual contact during and after pregnancy

Although it is often suggested that the sexual contact to be discontinued during the first 3 months and during the last 2 months of pregnancy,is no contraindication of the sexual contact at any stage in normal pregnancy.
The alleged riscks are abortion,premature labour and the introduction of bacteria to cause subsequent puerperal sepsis.
These are theoretical and few women come to harm.
Coitus need be banned for a period of time when the women has threatened to abort or is an habitual aborter.
During pregnancy,however the woman rarely has much sexual desire and a dominant progesterone may play a part in this too.
The possible dengers are puerperal infection and injury to the soft and vascular vaginal walls.There is little risk of either after the fourteenth day and some authorities go so far as to advice intercourse from that time onwards,arguing that it assists involtion and restores muscle tone.
A more resonable view is that if the couple are desirous,sexual contact may be resumed 4 weeks after delivery-provided that the lochial discharge has ceased and that vaginal and perineal tears have healed and are not tender.