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Anaemias-Definition,Classification and Manifestations

The anaemia is defined as reduction in number of red blood cells and haemoglobin content of blood with a corresponding reduction in the oxygen carrying capacity of blood.


I.Aetiological Calssification:
1.Dyshaemopoietic anaemia:due to deficiency of factors essential for erythropoiesis.
-iron deficiency anaemia
-megaloblastic anaemia:due to B12 or folic deficiency
-anaemia of renal disease:due to erythropoietin deficiency
-anaemia of endocrinal disease:due to pituitary thyroid or suprarenal deficiency
-vitamin C and pyroidoxine deficiency anaemia(very rare0
2.Aplastic anaemia:due of failure of Bore marrow to carry on erythropoiesis.
3.Haemolytic:due to excessive of distruction of red blood cells.
4.Haemorrhagic anaemia:
-acute haemorrhagic anemia:occurs after severe hemorrhage and gives the characteristic of shock
-chronic hemorrhagic aneamia:occurs after repeated slight bleeding and gives the characteristic of iron deficiency anaemia.

II.Morphological Classification;
1.Microcytic-hypochronic anaemia
-iron deficiency anaemia
-anaemia not caused by iron deficiency(sideroblastic anaemia,thalassemia,chronic lead poisoning).
2.Nermocytic-nonmochromic anaemia:
-aplastic anaemia
-hemolytic anaemia
-hemolytic anaemia
-acute hemorrhagic anaemia
-anaemia associated with infection and chronic systemic diseases.
3.Macrocytic-nonchromic anaemia;
-megaloblastic anaemia
-non-megaloblastic anaemia.

General manifestations of anaemia:
1.Skeletal:tiredness,lassitude and easy fatiguability
2.Neurological:lack of concentration,drowziness and may be faintness,headache,tinnitus and black spots before the eyes,may be numbness and tingling in feet and hands.
3.Pallor;this is the most prominent and characteristic sign.It is seen in the face,palm of hand,nail bed and mucus membranes of mouth and conjunctiva.
4.Cardio-vascular:dyspnoea of exertion,palpitation and may be angina,manifestation of hyperdynamic circulation,heart failure may occur in severe cases and sligh oedema of lower limb may occur without heart failure due to increased capillary permeability.
5.Gastro-intestinal:anorexia,flatulence and may be constipation of diarrhea.
6.Genital;menstrual disturbance.
7.renal:slight proteinuria may occur.