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Diabetic Coma-Causes,Symptoms and Management

Diabetic Coma usually is caused by:
  • Severe diabetes
  • Interaption of insulin therapy
  • Stress in conditions as:
         -infections and severe exertion
         -trauma and operations
         -pregnancy and labour
         -severe vomiting and diarrhoea
         -starvation or excess intake of fats.

  • Air hunger,abdominal pain and vomiting
  • Acetone odour in breath and ketone bodies in urine
  • Dry tongue,dry cold skin,sunken eyes and weak,rapid pulse
  • Confusion,stupor and then coma.
Imediatlly this symptoms occurs is necessary the hospitalization for measures to care the comatosed patient or insulin replacement,fluids replecement,monitoring potassium plasmalevels and necessary treatment.