The food allergy is an abnormal response to a certain food.Usually the immune system improves the health of the body,defending it against attack of hurmful bacterias and viruses.When the immune system identify certain food as hurmful,cause a reaction resulted as food allergy.
Food allergies are more common in children than in adults(the immune system and the digestive system are not fully developed).Some babies are so sensitive that if the mother consume some products,by breastfeeding the baby produce an allergic reaction.
Most of children are allergic to milk,wheat,eggs,soya between age 3 to 5 years old.The peanuts,walnuts,almonds and fish produce allergic reaction in teenagers and adults.If the person is too sensitive to a certain food,can develop an allergic reaction just by the simple presence of the food around them.
Is known that the availability of food in different parts of the world generate allergic reactions,like the allergy to the exotic or particular fruits in exotic regions,rice meals in Japan,some type of fish in Scandinavia,peanuts in USA(this allergy usually last for life and can extend the allergy at other cereals like beans and peas).
The risk to develop a food allergy exist more for those with family history.The symptoms appears rapid in minutes or in an hour.Immediatly symptoms appers,you have to contact medical emergency to get administrate an epinephrine injection before addressing to the specialist doctor.
Call immediatly the emergency if you present any of this symptoms:
-swelling throat or tongue(rapidly occured)
-hard breathing
-irritating cough
-pale face and lips
-dizziness and faint sensation
-feeling confused
-cold sweat