Diabetes represents hight glucose (sugar) level in the blood and can be caused by two factors: the body don't produce enought insulin or the body cells don't respond properly to the insulin produced.
The insulin is a hormon produced in pancreas that enable body cells to absorb glucose,wich is transformed in energy.If the body cells not absorb the glucose,the glucose accumulates in the blood(hyperglycemia).
Exist two types of diabetes:
Type 1-the body don't produce properly insulin and the person need to inject it.This type depends of the genetic side.
Type 2-the cells don't use insulin properly.This type is known as determinated by the lifestyle.
One other particular form is gestional diabetes when the pregnent women even haven't had diabetes before,during the pregnancy the glucose reach hight level.
Predisposition to diabetes is gived by family history,the lifestyle(sedentarism,obesety,unhealthy diet,smoking,alcohol).
The hight level of glucose is a worry sign,but a repeted blood test can confirm your health status.The symptoms of diabetes can be often confused,can have even the aspect of a normal condition,so the blood test is imperative.
Most commun diabetes symptoms are:
-excesive thirst
-dry mouth
-frequent urination
-constant hunger
-unexplained weight loss
The symptoms can develop rapidly in weeks or months,and the diabetes type 2 develop slowly and symptoms can even be absent.
In case of juvenil diabetes the symptoms are similar:increased urination,constantly hunger no matter of the quantaty of food eated,weight loss.