Otitis media afects the middle ear.Most often the complication appears after an acute infection of respiratory tract.The infection is situated in Eustachio's trunk wich provides communication between the middle ear and nasopharynx.
In case of babies the Eustachio's tract is shorter,more orizontal,more range and the microbs present in the nasopharynx may reach the middle ear,infecting it.
Craying or blowing the nose incorect,the secretions push the trunk hearing and this increase infection.
In infants the symptoms are not specific,the baby can't say that his ear hurts and can't hear well.They cry and scream apparent without reason,sleep less,they have fever and irritability.Is required the ENT examination to be consulted the middle ear with the otoscop,the doctor is able to see directly the eardrum,that can be red and sometimes curved from the fluid pressure.
The treatment should be followed by medical advice.Generally it feels relief of symptoms within the first 48h after the start of administration of antibiotics.