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Outcome of Pregnancy-Delivery

Outcome means what happens to the product of conception during pregnancy,labour and neonatal,and occasionally postneonatal period.
Outcome is classified into favourable and unfavourable (that may be lethat or sublethal).

Favourable outcome is the delivery of a normal and healthy infant.
Unfavourable outcome may be:
-Lethal Outcome (foetus and infant losses) given by abortion,intrauterine death of the foetus or neonatal death.
-Sublethal Outcome: in this case exist no losses but the liveborn is affected from expusure to different risks during pregnancy and labour,resulting in: congenital anomalies,congenital disease,mental retardation,nerve palsies,organs injuries and low birth weight.

Exist many factors that influences the outcome,and they may be social,biological or environment.

Factors influencing outcome:

1.Age: exist a high risk for mothers below 16 years,more higher above 40 (the most appropriate time is considered the period of 20-30 years).
2.Health Status: the outcome is determinated by the general health and body build specially height,nutritional deficiency and infection (syphilis and toxoplasmosis for exemple).
3.Socioeconomic Circumstances: may indirect have an adverse effect on outcome.So,are important the education,the tradition,conditions of living,the medical care.
5.Diabetes: the foetus begins to suffer from 28th week,with the risk of excessive growth,mental retardation or intrauterine death.
6.Parity (number of pregnancies and deliveries): exist a lower risk with 1-4 parity,a higher riskin primiparity,greatly increased risk above 4.
7.Pregnancy Spacing: insufficiently spaced pregnancies are more risky.Suitable spacing is 2-3 years.
8.Obstetric History: are important the past history and outcome of previous pregnancies.
9.Genetic Factors: may cause unfovourable outcome with abortion,intrauterine death of foetus or liveborn having congenital anomalies or congenital disease.

All this information are made to determinate a necessary care with the pregnancy stage.
The genetical factor is very important,every body  reacts different and for this every mother have to know the risks and to take all the measures for her and foetus health.
We promote a responsible attitude on decision to become mother,we promote the prevention for a healthy life!
Go to the medical examination,be consciously of your body,get treatment if is necessary and enjoy the role of mother without complications!