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Puberty Changes

Puberty is the period of life characterized by morphological and physiological changes which occur in the growing boy or girl as the gronads from their infantile to their adult state.
These changes involve nearly all organs and structures of the body.

The age of puberty varies according to genetic,racial,socioeconomic and nutritional factors.
Usually boys know the onset of puberty at age 9-14 years old and girls arround 8-13 years old.

The principle manifestations of puberty:

1.The adolescent growth spart:
This is an acceleration fallowed by deceleration of growth in most skeletal dimensions terminated by fusion of epiphysis and final adult height.
In girls the most rapid growth is 25 cm,it occurs early before the development of secondary sexual characters.In girls the first sign of puberty is increase in height velocity.
In boys the peak height velocity is 28 cm.It starts on the average 2 years after the average age of onset in girls.

During puberty the growth spurt is controled by hormons. (sex steroids,thyroid hormone).

2.Development of gonads:
In boys the first sign of puberty is the growth of the testes.

3.Development of secondary sexual characters:
In girls appears :

Breast development (controlled by estrogen) .
Breast development stages:
-stage 1:elevation of papilla only
-stage 2 (breast bug stage): elevation of breast and papilla as a small mound elargement of areolar diameters.
-stage 3: further enlargement of breast and areola with no separation of their contours
-stage 4: projection of areola and papilla to form a secondary mound above the level of the breats
-stage 5 (mature stage):projection of papilla only resulting from recession of the areola to the general contour of the breast.

Pubic hair:(contolled by adrenal androgen)
Axillary hair.
Other features: in girls increased size of ovaries and uterus.In boys: the growth of testes and penis,acne,voice change and facial hair that occurs late stage of puberty.

Acute Leukaemia-Symptoms and Treatment

Leukaemia ia a disease with unknown causes characterized by uncontrolled abnormal proliferation of leucocytic cells which infliltrate various tissues of the body.
The causes are unknown,but several factors may play a role as:
-virus infection
-genetic factor
-presence of abnormal chromosome
-irradiation and chimicals as benzene.

Acute Leukaemia:
Is most common in children and young adults.

Symptoms of acute Leukaemia:

1.Fever: due to infections and tissue distruction.
2.Recurrent infections: in the mouth and throat leading to sore throat,enlarged tonsils,ulcer in mouth and pharynx and respiratory infections.
3.Progressive Anaemia: encroachment on red cells precursors in the brown morrow and repeared blood loss.
4.Bleeding: skin petichae,bleeding from gums and nose,gastro-intestinal hemorrhage,cerebral hemorrhage,hemorrhage into the eye (impaired vision) and ear (defness),persistent bleeding after tooth extraction or tonsillectomy.
5.Bone pains: these are generalized and may be associated with artritis simulating rheumatic artritis.Appear tenderness over the sternum .
6.Lymph node enlargement.

Acute Leukaemia Syptoms are confused with other diseases symptoms as:
-rheumatic fever
-other cases of fever with sore throat
To be shore of diagnosis is necessary a blood test.


Patologic and Oncologic Treatment visit

Chronic Lymphatic Leukaemia
Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia
Stem Cells and bone Marrow Transplant-Treatment for Leukaemia


Diabetic Coma-Causes,Symptoms and Management

Diabetic Coma usually is caused by:
  • Severe diabetes
  • Interaption of insulin therapy
  • Stress in conditions as:
         -infections and severe exertion
         -trauma and operations
         -pregnancy and labour
         -severe vomiting and diarrhoea
         -starvation or excess intake of fats.

  • Air hunger,abdominal pain and vomiting
  • Acetone odour in breath and ketone bodies in urine
  • Dry tongue,dry cold skin,sunken eyes and weak,rapid pulse
  • Confusion,stupor and then coma.
Imediatlly this symptoms occurs is necessary the hospitalization for measures to care the comatosed patient or insulin replacement,fluids replecement,monitoring potassium plasmalevels and necessary treatment.


Complications of Diabetes-Signs

I.Skin Complications:
-pruritus (for exemple pruritus vulvae).
-infections: multiple furuncles and carbuncle.
-fungus infection (for exemple in ano-genital region and toes).
-necrobiosis diabeticorum (reddish painful papules appearing on the shins of tibia and later as ulcerate and heal by scar.
-carotinamia: yallow colouration over the palms due to excessive intake of vegetables.
-insulin lipodystrophy (small dent in the skin that forms when a person keeps performing injection in the same place).

II.Cardiovascular Complications:
-atheroclerosis: cerebral,coronary (infarction even sudden death),ischemia,gangrene.

III.Neurological Complications:
-cerebral atherosclerosis and trombosis.
Spinal Cord:
-diabetic lateral sclerosis.
-transverse myelitis (disease caused by inflammatory process of the spinal cord).
-anterior or posterior spinal artery occlusion.
-senzory:deep and superficial.
-autonomic: urinary incontinence,impotence and diarrhoea,postural hypotension,increase sweating.
-cranial: optic neuritis (inflammation of the optic nerve that may cause a complete or partial loss of vision).

IV.Urinary Complications:
-infections: cydtitis.
-kidney stones.

V.Ocular Complications:
-diabetic retinophatyin juvenil and long standing cases.
-diabetic cataract.
-nervous complications of the eye.

VI.Respiratory Complications:
-pulmonary inferctions,tuberculosis
-acetone odour during ketosis.

VII.Gastro-intestinal Complications:
-beefy tongue
-gingivitis and dental caries are common
-nausea,vomiting and abdominal pain during ketosis
-fatty liver
-gall stones.

VIII.Genital Complications:
-in males impotence
-in females: menorrhagia (abnormally heavy and prolonged menstrual period),sterility,pruritus vulvae and skin infections,abortion,premature labour,delivery of big babies.