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Characteristics of Benign and Malignant Tumor

A tumor is a new growth forming,an abnormal mass caused by autonomous self controlling proliferation of cells independent of stimuli.
The study of tumors is referred to as ONCOLOGY.

Clasification of Tumors:
According to their behavior or as biological clasification are:
-Benign (generally have good prognosis)
-Malignant (generally have poor prognosis)
-Intermediate  tumors (locally malignant neoplasms,locally agressive tumors)

According of tissue of origin:
-Epithelial tumors
-Mesenchymal tumors

Characteristics of BEGNIN TUMOR:
  1. The growthis slow and expansile,compressing the surrounding tissue without invasion.
  2. Begnin tumors do not spread
  3. Begnin tumors do not recur if is well excised
  4. Begnin tumors are not dengerous unless:
-they arise in vital organs as brain
-they arise in hollow organs (as intestine) causing obstruction
-they produce hormones as in tumors of endocrine glands
-some begnin tumors may change malignant.This may be clinically manifested by change of growth rate (becoming faster) and growth mode (becoming infiltrative,destructive and metastasizing).

Benign tumor structure:
-tumor margins are well degined
-cut section of the tumor is commonly uniform with no hemorrage or necrosis
-a tumor arise inside a solid organ appears globular or ovoid and aften becomes surrounded by a fibrous capsule composed of a rim of condensed connective tissue
-a tumor arising from surface epithelia form a non-capsulated polyp.

Characteristics of MALIGNANT TUMOR:
  1. The rate of growth is often rapid,invasive,infiltrating and destroying the surrounding normal tissue .
  2. The malignant tumors spread.
  3. -Recurrence after surgical excision is very common either from tumor cell remnats or from a new neoplastic transformation.
  4. Malignant tumors are serious and cause death.
Causes of Death includes:
-local organ destruction by direct spread
-distant organ destruction by metatstases
-destruction of vital centrers (brain tumors)
-obstruction of the lumen of hollow organs (intestinal tumors)
-organ failure
-chronic toxemia do to secondary bacterial infection
-anaemia: recurrent hemorrages from the tumors,bone marrow destruction by metastases,high tumor cell metabolism may lead to folic acid deficiency.
-cachecia: it is manifested by marked decrease of body weigh accompanied by profound weakness,anorexia and anaemia.

Malignant tumor structure:
-tumors margins are irregular or ill defined
-cut section of the tumor often shows areas of hemorrage and necrosis
-a tumor inside a solid organ appears as irregular noncapsulated mass
-tumors arise from surface epithelia appears as noncapsulated masses assuming different patterns

L.M.A offers you a developed section dedicated to Oncology,Specialist Doctors and the Latest Technology for a safe treatment.
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