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Types of Melanoma

Melanoma is a malignant tumor.It commonly arises as a new structure but nodular melanoma may arise on top pre-existing acquired or congenital nevi (mole).
Malignant transformation of a pre-existing nervus is suspected when the size enlarges whit ulceration,color changes and regional lymph node enlargement.
Malignant melanoma develop on the fallowing sites:
-skin,anywhere in the body including head neck,scrotum,palms of hands,soles of feet.
-less common sites: mucous membranes and mucocutaneous junctions as conjunctiva,rectum,mouth and vagina,eyes as choroid and iris.

Types of Melanoma:

1.Melanoma with radial pattern of growth:
Tumors grows laterally within the epidermis.
-Lentigo Maligna : appers aa pigmented macule in the face of elderly people.
-Superficial spreading melanoma : appears as slightly raised brown irregular patch in legs or back of the patient
-Acral Lentiginous Melanoma : it occurs in hairless skin (palms and soles).

2.Melanoma with vertical pattern of growth (nodular melanoma):
It is an agressive tumor with poor prognosis.
Appears as an ulcerating nodule,-3 cm in diameter,dark brown,but may be pale in color.