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Where is your fat located?

Men and women store fat in different areas of the body.
In men it is deposited mostly in the upper arms,shoulders and abdomen ; in women it is mostly deposited in the breast,hips,buttocks and thighs.

For both sexes measuring your waist gives a good indication of whether your carrying excess weight.
Find the mid-point between the uppermost part of your hip bone and your lowest rib.Mark this point and measure round your waist with a tape measure,keeping the tape parallel to the floor and snug but not tight.Make sure you breath normally as you take the measurement.
A waist circumference above 94 cm in men and 80 cm for women indicates that you are carrying excess weight around your middle,which increase your risk of developing high blood pressure,raised cholesterol levels.diabetes and cardiovascular disease.
Men with a waist measurement of 102 cm and women of 88 cm are at high risk.

Studies shows that in overweight people the distribution of excess of body fat can affect their risk in developing cardiovascular disease and diabetes.
Compared to "pear-shaped" individuals who store fat around their hips and thighs,the "apple-shaped" people at an increase risk.
Having a "beer belly" is not a joke,having a few extra centimeters around the waist may be a signal of bad thing to come.

Reed More about about nutrition and health: Health Via Modern Nutrition

HAVE THE ANNUAL CHECK-UP! Check your physical health!

Once you begin to understand your health status in the context of both your lifestyle behaviors and your medical history,you will be in the best possible position to work with your doctor to take charge of your health.

Get a check-up!

 Many of the procedures that your doctor carries out such as measuring weight,pulse and blood pressure,relate to your risk in developing cardiovascular disease which is an important cause of premature death in the world today.
Some of the risks such as your age,gender and family history cannot be altered but other risk factors can be modified by making changes to your lifestyle.
If you are at risk of a disease because of non-modifiable risk factors than is vital to tackle the areas where changes are possible to improve your overall health and long term wellness.

You should consider your family medical history to became aware of the medical conditions from which your parents,grandparents and other blood relatives suffered.
This will provide you with an opportunity to identify potential health issues in your own life and to take the appropriate action to modify your risk of developing those conditions yourself.

The risk of asthma,migraines,diabetes,high blood pressure and cardio vascular disease had all been shown to run in families or to have a genetic component.

Having a medical check-up

When you visit your doctor for a physical check-up,he or she will take a number of measurements,all of which will access to your current state of health.These could include: checking your pulse rate,listening to your hearth and lungs,with a stethoscope,measuring your blood pressure and checking your weight and height.
Depending on your personal and family medical history,your doctor may recommend to be taken a blood sample that will be sent to laboratory to be tested for specific conditions.



Vacanze e cure odontoiatriche di qualità a costi accessibili a Mar Rosso (Hurghada) in Egitto. Prezzi del 50% più economici di quelli in Europa

Hai pensato di viaggiare all'estero per cure dentistiche a causa di costi accessibili? E se potessi avere questo trattamento in un luogo soleggiato tutto l'anno?

Costa del Mar Rosso (Egitto) viene scelto dai visitatori per le sue spiagge e acqua pulite, è ricca di località turistiche dove le serate sono animate da turisti e gente del posto.
Vi offriamo un trattamento dentale di qualità, accessibile e in un luogo di vacanza perfetto con la possibilità di mediare la comunicazione in lingua italiana.

Molti dentisti offrono servizi di qualità in Egitto a prezzi fino al 50% in meno che in Europa, cosi Mar Rosso (Hurghada) è diventata una meta per il turismo medico spesso scelto dai cittadini europei.

Il motivo principale per recarsi in Egitto per un trattamento odontoiatrico complesso è il costo.
Centri dentali sono attrezzate secondo gli standard internazionali di qualità del servizio e dei materiali, la pratica di costo vantaggioso e accessibile a tutti.

Molti persone cercano come servizio medico dentale l'impianto dentale, ma molte altre persone vogliono un miglioramento estetica dentale come :trattamento sbiancante, faccette dentali, corone dentali con le ultime materiali di qualità svizzero, tedesco o americano (certificati) .Vi offriamo anche apparecchio dentale con prezzi fino al 50% più favorevole rispetto all'Europa.

Prima di recarti all'estero per un trattamento dentale, consulta il tuo medico attuale per conoscere le tue esigenze dentistiche, informati sulle procedure e prendi la decisione giusta.

Contattateci per richiedere gratuitamente (consultazioni) sulla vostra situazione dentale e il costo delle procedure necessarie.
Siamo a vostra disposizione 24 ore su 24 per aiutarvi a scegliere il centro dentale adatto alle vostre esigenze e necessità.
Offriamo servizi odontoiatrici e alloggi a Hurghada e al Cairo.

Fai domande e chiedi il costo dei pacchetti dentali a

Vacances et traitement dentaire dans la Red Sea (Hurghada) en Egypte.Implant dentaire 50% moins cher qu'en Europe

Avez-vous envisagé de voyager pour un traitement dentaire à l'étranger en raison de coûts abordables? Et si vous pouviez avoir ce traitement dans un endroit ensoleillé toute l'année?

La côte de la Mer Rouge (Égypte) est choisie par les visiteurs pour ses plages et son eau salubre. Elle regorge de stations balnéaires et de lieux touristiques où les soirées sont animées par les touristes et les locaux.
Nous vous proposons un traitement dentaire de qualité, accessible et dans un lieu de vacances idéal.

De nombreux dentistes offrent des services de qualité en Égypte à des prix jusqu'à 50% moins chers qu'en Europe. La côte de la Mer Rouge (Hurghada) est devenue une destination de tourisme médical fréquemment choisie par les citoyens européens.

La principale raison de se rendre en Égypte pour un traitement dentaire complexe est le coût.
Les centres de soins dentaires sont équipés conformément aux normes internationales en matière de qualité des services et du matériel, à des prix accessibles à tous.

Le service médical dentaire le plus recherché est l'implant dentaire, mais de nombreuses personnes souhaitent une amélioration de l'esthétique dentaire nécessitant un traitement de blanchiment, des facettes dentaires, des couronnes dentaires, des travaux dentaires avec les dernières normes suisse, allemande ou américaine (certifié). Nous proposons également des appareils dentaires à des prix 50% plus avantageux qu’en Europe.

Avant de voyager à l'étranger pour un traitement dentaire, vérifiez auprès de votre médecin actuel pour connaître vos besoins en matière de soins dentaires, informez-vous des procédures et prenez la bonne décision.

Contactez-nous pour demander des consultations gratuites sur votre situation dentaire et le coût des procédures nécessaires.
Nous sommes à votre disposition 24h / 24 et 7j / 7 pour vous aider à choisir le centre dentaire qui convient le mieux à vos besoins.
Nous offrons des services dentaires et l'hébergement à Hurghada et au Caire.
Posez des questions et demandez le coût des paquets dentaires à


Vacanta si tratament dentar cu costuri avantajoase in Hurghada la Marea Rosie in Egipt.Implanturi dentare,si tratamente dentare estetice cu costuri avantajoase

Ati luat in considerare sa calatoriti pentru un tratament dentar peste hotare datorita costurilor accesibile?Ce-ar fi sa puteti avea acest tratament intr-o locatie insorita tot timpul anului?

Coasta Marii Rosii (Egipt) este aleasa de vizitatori pentru plajele si apa sa curata,este plina de statiuni turistice si localitati unde serile sunt animate de turisti si localnici.
Noi iti oferim un tratament dentar de calitate,accesibil si intr-o locatie perfecta pentru vacantacu posibilitate de intermediere a comunicarii in Limba Romana.

Foarte multi dentisti ofera servicii de calitate in Egipt si la preturi de pana la 50% mai ieftine decat in Europa,astfel Coasta Marii Rosii (Hurghada) si nu numai a devenit o destinatie pentru turism medical frecvent aleasa de catre cetatenii Europeni.

Motivul principal in a calatori in Egipt pentru un tratament stomatologic complex este costul.
Centrele stomatologice sunt echipate dupa standardele internationale privind calitatea serviciilor si a materialelor,practicand costuri avantajoase si accesibile tuturor.

Cel mai cautat serviciu medical stomatologic este implantul dentar,insa foarte multe persoane doresc o imbunatatire a esteticii dentare avand nevoie de tratament de albire,fatete dentare,coroane dentare,lucrari dentare cu materiale de ultima generatie de calitate Elvetiana,Germana sau Americana (certificate).De asemenea oferim aparate dentare cu preturi pana la 50% mai avantajoase decat in Europa.

Inainte de a calatori in afara tarii pentru un tratament dentar,faceti o consultatie la medicul dumneavostra curent pentru a cunoaste necesitatile dumneavostra dentare,informati-va asupra procedurilor necesare si luati decizia potrivita.

Contactati-ne pentru a cere consultatii (gratuite) cu privire la situatia dumneavoastra dentara si costul aferent procedurilor necesare.
Suntem la disponibilitatea dumneavostra 24/7 pentru a va ajuta in a alege centrul stomatologic potrivita cerintelor si nevoilor dumneavostra.
Oferim servicii stomatologice si cazare in Hurghada si Cairo.
Adresati intrebarile si cereti costurile packetelor stomatologice la

Terapie climaterica pentru psoriazis in statiunile Marii Rosii (Hurghada/Safaga) in Egipt.Pachete ALL INCLUSIVE cu rezultate de pana la 100% eficiente

Psoriazisul este o afectiune cauzata de o crestere rapida a celulelor pielii ca rezultat a unei functionari incorecte a sistemului imunitar.

Psoriazisul apare ca niste portiuni de piele groasa,solzoasa care poate fi acoperita de placi cu aspect solzos de culoare alba,argintie sau rosie care pot sangera si pot fi uneori dureroase.

Leziunile variaza ca aspect in functie de tipul de psoriazis.Simptomele comune ale psoriazisului sunt:
-portiuni inflamate ale pielii,de culoare rosie,acoperite de placi cu aspect solzos de culoare argintie sau alba
-senzatia de mancarime a peilii care poate sa se crape si sa sangereze
-schimbari la nivelul unghiilor mainilor si piciarelor,apar coreziuni si schimbarea culorii in galben-portocaliu
-placi descuamate,solzoase la nivelul scalpului

Tratamentul conventional al psoriazisului include tratament cu steroizi,creme si unguente,tratamentul cu ultraviolete artificiale si puternice medicamente generale.
Multi dintre acesti agenti activi din medicamente au puternice efecte secundare asupra pielii si organelor interne.

Terapia climaterica prin expunere solara este astazi o recomandareuzuala in tratarea psoriazisului.

Razele ultraviolete pot ajuta in diminuarea simptomelor psoriazisului.
Soarele emite raze ulraviolete de tip UVA si UVB.
Razele UVA sunt cele care patrund in piele in profunzime,pe cand razele UVB nu pot penetra peilea foarte profund.
Razele ultraviolete au efect de intarire a sistemului imunitar,ceea ce conduce la o ameliorare a simptomelor psoriazisului.De asemenea,razele ultraviolete ajuta corpul sa produca Vitamina D,vitamina care are un rol ridicat in vindecarea leziunilor pielii.

Cercetarile au descoperit la Marea Rosie o zona ideala pentru tratarea bolilor de piele,datorita calitatii razelor de soare,a aerului si apei nepoluate.Mai mult,conditiile meteo in aceasta locatie sunt pe tot parcursul anului ideale pentru plaja,unde poti beneficia expunere la soare dupa o recomandare medicala si sub indrumare medicala.

Tratamentul include bai in apa marii si expuneri solare,combinate cu aplicarea unor emulsii naturale,dupa un plan stabilit de catre medicul specialist in functie de conditia fiecarui pacient in parte.

Tratamentul pentru psoriazis este valabil de la 1saptamana la 4 saptamani in functie de recomandarea medicului si optiunea/dorinta pacientuluisi.Este recomandat ca pacientul sa opreasca tratamentul medicamentos anterior inceperii tratamentului cu expunere solara.
Rezultatele acestui program sunt uimitoare,leziunile de peile pot disparea pana la 100% sau foarte mult atenuate (80%-95%)

Alege sa beneficiezi de terapei solara pentru psoriazis intr-o locatie ideala de vacanta,sub indrumarea medicului specialist si supravegheat de o echipa de specialitate,cu toate serviciile incluse: cazare hotel si 3 mese incluse,acces la plajele private,consultatie medicala si program de tratament.

Sezonul dedicat tratamentului pentru psoriazis incepe cu luna Martie si dureaza pana in Octombrie inclusiv.
Cere planul de tratament si cost pentru perioada cand doresti sa vizitezi Marea Rosie la (disponibil 24/7)

Adreseaza intrebari si cere consultatie cu privire la problema ta medicala gratuit la

Psoriasis holiday-treatment regimen at Red Sea (Hurghada/Safaga) in Egypt.ALL INCLUSIVE packages with major improved result till complete clearing

Psoriasis is an inflammatory condition resulting in overgrowth of skin cells when the immune system is not functioning correctly.
Psoriasis is not contagious!

These cells accumulates on the surface of the skin in scaly plaques and red patches that may be painful and itchy.
The signs and symptoms of psoriasis can vary depending of the type of psoriasis.The most common symptoms of psoriasis includes:
-red patches,inflamed skin,often covered with silver colored scales
-itchy painful skin that can crack or bleed
-problem with the fingernails and toenails showing discoloration and pitting
-scaly plaques on the scalp.

The conventional treatment of psoriasis includes steroids,ointment,artificial UV and powerful systemic medication.Most of these therapeutic agents have serious side effects on the skin and the internal organs.

Climatotherapy became a highly recommended modality of treatment for psoriasis.

Sunlight may help manage psoriasis symptoms.
The sun emits UV rays,which can be UVA and UVB.The UVA rays can reach deeply in to the skin and UVB does not penetrate so deeply.
UV rays have immunosuppressive effects that can reduce psoriasis symptoms.
Natural UVA rays do not appear to improve psoriasis symptoms,but UVB rays may help.

Also,the sunlight helps the body to produce Vitamin D and Vitamin D improve the psoriasis skin condition.

At Red Sea was found an ideal area for climatotherapy of psoriasis due to the many natural beneficial factors: plentiful sunshine due to the cloudless sky during all year,worm weather,clear and non polluted air and water.

The treatment includes sea water bathing and sunlight exposure combined with application of emollients,under a plan applied by the doctor for each case condition.

The psoriasis treatment plan is available from  1 week to 4 weeks and is recommended for the patients to stop their medication before having the sunlight therapy.
All patients are under medical supervision.

The results of this regimen is dramatic.The red patches and scales can disappear or be highly alleviated.
There were registered  after 4 week treatment a 95% of cases with complete clearing up of their skin condition.

Have the psoriasis holiday treatment program coordinated by a medical team with rest and relaxation in a perfect holiday location with all services included: hotel staying,access to the clean and clear private beaches,medical team advice and meals.

The season for psoriasis treatment starts March till October (included).
Ask the cost plan available for the month you plan to have the therapy at

Address us your questions and ask for a consultation regarding your medical concern at  (available 24/7)
We are here to support your option for a better life!


Overweight children and adolescents -a serious problem today! Weight management in overweight children

The number of children and teenagers who are overweight has increased dramatically today.One in three children is overweight and 9% of 6 years old children are obese.

These increases are due to a variety of cultural factors,including easier access to high calories foods,decreased opportunity for exercises and increased interest in sedentary activities such as watching TV or sitting in front of the computer.

Overweight children are likely to remain overweight as adults and are at risk of same health problems as adults:
-high blood pressure
-high blood cholesterol level
-sleep apnoea
-gall bladder disease
-bone and joint disorders
-liver problems

What cause obesity?
Studies conclude that genetics plays a major role in the incidence of obesity.
Also,children who lead an inactive life are a risk of obesity and those that consume a large amount of food,along with increase in fast food and soft drinks consumption.

Focus on eating healthy and being active!

The best way in helping your child maintain a healthy weight is to make from a healthy eating and exercise a normal part of your daily life.

Weight management for overweight children

-provide interesting,varied food that all the family enjoys together
-provide an environment that includes only healthy food choices
-stop buying unhealthy food
-make eating a sociable and enjoyable occasion,try to eat together without a television in the background
-serve smaller portions using small plates
-drink water
-don't force the child to finish the food from the plate
-stop eating when you are not hungry
-limit fast food to less than once a week,slowly eliminating it from your diet
-encourage your children to find physical activities that they enjoy
-look for activities that you can do together as family
-introduce exercises in your daily routine.


Holiday and dental treatment at Red Sea-Hurghada

Are you considering to travel for a dental treatment?How about having a relaxing staying during your visit to the dental center in a sunny location?

Red Sea is well known for its clear water,beautiful beaches and resorts,everything you want for a perfect summer holiday!Dentists in Hurghada are speaking very well English language and are used to deal with foreign patients.

Many dentists provide excellent dental care in Egypt at a very low price compared to Europe,making Red Sea Coast a popular dental holiday destination.
The main reason to travel Egypt for dental treatment is the price.Patient can save up to 50% on European dental price having same high standards and quality medical service.The more extensive is the treatment,the most you stand to save on the cost.

The main reason for traveling abroad for dental treatment are the implants.However patient are visiting dental clinics in Egypt for other treatments like veneers,teeth whitening,crowns,bridges and dentures.Therefor,if you need a complete treatment the dental tourism is the best solution for you.
Any work you need for your teeth,please research the procedure carefully,so you know what to expect.This will help you make a correct decision.

Dental services you can receive during your holiday at Red Sea:
The costs of implants in Egypt are up to 50% lower than in Europe.
Depending of the type of implants you can get and any preparatory treatment you need (such as extractions,a bone graft or a sinus lift) you need to make 2 or 3 visits for your implants.Each of these visits will last few days,but the dentist will decide your treatment plan up to your individual needs.
You may be able to save thousand of Euro by getting dental implant abroad,especially if you need a full mouth makeover.
-Veneers -if you want straighter or whiter smile.
-Teeth whitening
-Root canal treatment

Choose Hurghada for your dental treatment and holiday!
Consult us about your dental need and the pricing plan at