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Metabolic Functions of the LIVER

The liver cells are a large chemically reactant pool having a very high rate of metabolism.

1.Carbohydrate Metabolism:
The liver function as a sort of "glucostat" maintaining a constant circulating glucose level under the effect of numerous hormones:
-formation and storage of glycogen
-brackdown of glycogen into glucose
-formation of glucose from non-carbohydrate sources
-conversion of galactose and fructose to glucose.

2.Fat Metabolism:
-has a high rate in oxidation of fatty acids to supply energy for other body functioons
-has a role in formation of lipoproteins (particles formed of both water and fat)
-a role in synthesis of cholesterol and phospholipids
-and do the conversion of cholesterol and proteins to fat.

3.Protein Metabolism:
-deamination of aminoacids before they can be used for energy or before thay can be transformed into carbohydrates or fats
-formation of urea (chemical compound found in urine)
-formation of plasma proteins
-synthesis of all non-essential amino-acids.

Other functions of liver:
-storage of vitamins: such as vitamin A,D and B12
-storage of iron
-detoxification or excretion of drugs,hormones and other substances.

Protect your liver through a healthy diet and don't do excess of drugs!