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Pregnancy Trimesters

A normal pregnancy lasts around 37-41 weeks and the average is 40 weeks from the first day of your last period.
Pregnancy is devided into trimesters to help describe better the changes that happen during all stage.

First Trimester:
From one to 12 weeks.
During first trimester happen changes in hormons and cause different changes in your body.
A missed period is one of the early signs of pregnancy.
As well as a missed period you might have other early symptoms :
-breast tenderness
-darker nipples and darker and larger areola
-frequent urine

Other symptoms of first trimester:
-nausea,you can stand different smells or tastes
-constipation (to avoid this drink alot of fluids and have a healthy diet based of fibres)

Your baby will grow and develop quickly in the first trimester.When you'll be 10 weeks pregnant all the bady parts are present and the placenta is fully formed.At this point the embryo is known as fetus.

Nutrients are transferred from you to the baby through the placenta.Waste products from the baby are return to your circulation to e removed.
Don't drink alcohol during pregnancy.Also,is particularly important during the first three months when important organs are formed,to not smoke,drink alcohol and to avoid all chimical products.

Second Trimester:
From 13 to 27 weeks.

Your pregnancy will start to show during the second trimester.Any sickness or nausea get better by the time you are 16 to 20 weeks pregnant.
Changes that appears during second trimester:
-hip pain
-pelvic pain
-baby move (around 18 to 20 weeks or earlier if is first pregnancy)

During second trimester your baby organs mature and the skeleton gets harder.The baby swallows amniotic fluid and passes it through its gut.The kidneys start to work and pass small aamounts of urine.
By 19 weeks your baby is able to hear
At the end of this trimester your baby has chance of surviving if it is born prematurely.But in this case need intensive care.

Third Trimester:
From 28 to 40 weeks.
The breast will grow,appears stretch marks that usually will fade after the baby is born.
The extra weight will get you tired and hard breating.
The baby head starts to drop down into your pelvis ready for delivery (around 37 weeks).
You'll fell to pass urine more ofen.
Contractions appear in third trimester and can be mistaken for labour.

The weight you gain during pregnancy isn't the same as getting fat.The extra weight is made up to:
-the developing baby,placenta and aminiotic fluid
-growth of your womb and breasts
-the increased blood in your circulation
-water retention.