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Gall Bladder Stones

At the level of the gall bladder can be formed two types of stones:

1.Cholesterol Stones-found it 80% of cases,caused by:
-excess cholesterol in bile
-decreased bile sals

2.Pigment Stones-affecting 20% of cases.Exist:
-black pigment tones do to chronica haemolysis
-brown pigment stones due to stagnation of bile in common bile duct.

Prezentation (Symptoms):
The majority of cases (80%) are asymptomatic.
Can appear obstruction of cystic duct (biliary pain or cholecystitis) and obstraction of common bile duct: pain,jaundice,cholangititis.
It does not cause fatty dyspepsia and it is not more common in fatty,fertile,fair,female above 40 years old.

Treatment of cholecystitis :medical treatment  irst and then cholecystectomy.
Treatment of biliary pain: analgesics.
Treatment of obstructiv jaundice: need stone removal.
Treatment of cholangitis: by antimicrobials.


Acromegaly-is a syndrom resulted when the pituitary gland produces excess growth hormone after epiphyseal plate closure at puberty.

Acromegaly most commonly affects adults in middle age(20-40 years) evolves gradual,has a course slowly progressive and can result in severe disfigurements at the level of:

1.Head and Face
-big skull with enlogated face
-big ears,big nose,lips and tongue
-prominent frontal bosses and prominent supraprbital ridge.

-big hands with blunt fingers

3.Skeletal Affection:
-osteoarthritis may occur

4.Skin Affection:

5.Internal Organs Enlargement

Neurological Manifestation:
-peripherial neuropathy
-parasthesias in hands and feet may occur
-pressure manifestations



The fungus "Candida Albicans" is a normal commensal of oral cavity,gastro-intestinal,vagina and skin.
It is a yeast like fungus and becomes pathogenic in fallowing conditions:
-Prolonged antibiotic
-immunosuprpresive therapy.
-others states of immunocompromization as diabetes and AIDS.

Forms of Candidiasis:
1.Superficial Candidiasis:
This is the most common form.It is usually due to prolonged use of antibiotics.
Manifestations are:
-Thrush: White patches in oral mucosa composed of fungal colonies.The submucosa shows infalmmation.
-Vaginal Lesions: similar to oral thrush (white patches and inflammation).
-Paroncychia (lesions under the nails) and macerations of interdigital skin.

2.Gastrointestinal Candidiasis:
Is most common in oesophagus and particularly in AIDS.

3.Invasive Candidiasis:
It is due to blood spread.It is oftenly fatal.The manifestations include:
-renal,hepatic,pulmonary and myocardial abscesses.
-brain:microabscesses and meningitis.

Toxoplasmosis-Sources of infection

This infection is caused by a microscopic parasite that can live inside the cells of humans and animals,especially in cats and farm animals.

Pleople can catch toxoplasmosis from:
-touching or coming in contact with infected cat feces
-eating raw or uncooked meat that's contaminted
-eating unwashed fruits or vegetables that have been contaminted
-being born with it (the women infected by toxoplasmosis pass the parasite on her unborn child)
The infection doesn't spread from person to person (only from pregnant to featus).

Toxoplasmosis pass from animal to person sometimes without any symptoms.The symptoms may appear in base of age or imunity system status.
-congenital toxoplasmosis (in which the child become infected before birth)
-toxoplasmosis with week imune system.

Cat Scratch Disease-Signs and Symptoms

The cat scratch disease is a bacteria infection caused by recently indentified gram-negative bacteria (Bartonella Henselvae),commonly transmited by scratch of the cats,but may be also introduced by thorms or spinters.
The disease appears much often in fall or winter and more is diagnosed in case of kids-they play more with cats and they get biten or scratched.
Fleas spread the bacteria between cats.
The bacteria lives in infected cats saliva and they can care the bacteria months (the cats don't have the symptoms of sickness).
Is considerated that almost half of cats have this bacteria,especially those more younger.

Signs and Symptoms:
A small bump develop several days after the scratch or bite and can be mistaken for a bug bite.This bump is a wound at the site where the bacteria enter the body.This lesions are not painful.
Usually after a couple of weeks after the scratch or bite appears more lymph nodes close to the area of lesion,that swell and become tender.
Although the lesion is on the leg,this nodes will appear most often in the underarm or neck area,if the lesion is in the arm the nodes can appear in elbow and the armpit will swell.
The skin over these swollen lymph nodes become worm and red and occasionally can drain pus.
The symptoms may include fever,fatigue,loss of appetite,headache,rash.

If these symptomes exist try warm,moist compresses or give your child ibuprofen as imediate care.Most recomanded is to address to a doctor,for a sure diagnosis and treatment.


Vitamin C-Physiologic Role and Cosmetic Use

Vitamin C is found in plants and in milk (as animal source) but in poor amount.
The main source of vitamin C are fruits and vegetables like: citrus fruits,strowberies,green papper,cauliflower,cabbage,tomatos,beans.

Physiologic Role of Vitamin C:
-formation of the matrix that brinds cells of capillary wall,bone,teeth,cartilage,connective,tissue and skin.
-facilitates absorption of iron in the intestine
-plays a role in amino acid metabolism
-vitamin C is clodely related to suprarenal cortex hormones.

Deficiency of Vitamin C lead to "scurvy"-characterized by bleeding anywhere in the body,specially the gums,skin and mucous membranes and near joints and bones.

Is recomanded a 60mg intake of vitamin C a day for adults and more during pregnancy and lactation.

Vitamin C is known for its healing properties and cosmetic industry incorporates in their beauty products.Vitamin C is used for the whitening effect,to remove the death cells of the skin (good scrub),for its effect of healing (in case of acnea or irritations) in different forms for dermatologic treatment or care.
For a glowing skin choose a healthy diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables.A healthy lifestyle reflects on your skin.The external application is not enough.

Rickets-disease of growing bones on children

Rickets is a disease of growing bones,characterized by defective calcification of osteoid and epiphyseal cartilage.
Rickets is a deficiency problem of infants and young children between age of 4-6 months and 18-24 months (1 year and half-2 years).
Rickets is caused by Vitamin D deficiency.Vitamin D id needed for absorption,utilization and retation of ingested calcium and phosphorus,and so deficiency influences bone formation.

Predisposing factors:

1.General Factors:
-poor housing and slum areas as: deprived of satisfactory sunning,dust in polluted aircuts ultraviolet rays of the sun
-inadequate feeding and malnutrition
-recurrent diarrheal disease of infants and young children.

2.Maternal Factors:
-malnutrition of the pregnant
-repeated unspaced pregnancies
-defeciency of lactation on mather
-nutrition ignorance of mother.

3.Child Factor:
-insufficient exposure to sunlight (baby is kept indoors or is totally covered when going out)
-nonsuplimentation of diet with vitamin D (milk is poor).

-softening of skull bones
-bossing of parietal and frontal bones
-enlarged metaphyseal areas of long bones.
-closing of anterior fontanell and eruption of teeth.
-skeletal pains
-deformation of long bones and pelvis in severe cases
-weak flabby muscle
-in severe cases softening of ribs interferes with normal respiration and predisposes ti onfection that may be serious and fatal.

The adequate diet for a good functioning of body

Adequate diet is a mixture of food stuffs selected to satisfy nutritional requirements of the body.
Which are the functions of Food?
-Function of body cells,bones and teeth,blood cells.
-Physiologic functioning of the body
-Energy need of the body.

1.Formation of cells:
The food helps to build up new cells during growth and pregnancy and to the maintenance of body cells.
For building and maintenance of bones and teeth id required the following nutrients:
-calcium and phosphorus (basic nutrients)
-vitamin D for absorbtion and metabolism of calcium and phosphorus
-flourine for healthy decay-resistant enamed of teeth.

In case of formation of body cells haemopoietic nutrients are needed:
-iron and protein to form haemoglobin
-vitamin B12 and folic acid for development and maturation of red cells (formed in the bone marrow)
-vitamin C helps absorption of iron
-copper helps absorption of iron and synthesis of haemoglobin

2.Physiologic Functioning of Body:
Certain nutrients are needed for different physiologic processes of the body,as respiration,secretion,digestion,absorption and metabolism.
Required nutrients are:
-B vitamins (they are coenzymes of different enzyme systems needed)
-vitamin A for formation and functioning of health epithelium of skin and mucous membranes.
-iodine: for formation of thyroid hormones
-others: vitamin K,calcium,phosphorus and water.

3.Energy Need of Body: to fulfil both basic energy requirements and performance of physical work and activity.
Required nutrients are:
-carbohydrates: digested and absorbed as glucose.The carbohydrates gives the larges part of energy requirement (60-70%)
-fat and protein.

The true about the daily requirement of water

Water forms about 70% of body weight.The water represents a necessity of life,being a constituent of all body cells,that is needed for body functioning.
About the daily requirement we hear recomandations like 2 liters ,that is necessary for a good hydration and a healthy function body.
Is true the water helps you eliminate the toxins of the body,keeps your body cells hydrated but we have to fix our water quantity according to many factors.
The daily water requirement varies with factors as climate,physical activity,age.
An adult in temperate climate need about 2-2,5 liters of water a day,obtained from potable water and water from ingested fluids and foods (fresh fruits and vegetables).
Atention,a healthy individual takes as much water as he needs for a satisfying feeling of thirst.
Consume more water (more that your body feels to consume) whit an increased activity,hot environment (more sweating) and conditions associated with excessive fluid loss,otherwise in certain conditions (dietary or healthy) you can create water retantion.


Firm and Slender Thights and Buttocks VIDEO

You're overweight?
You want to lose the fat deposits?
You want to remove the extra skin,after a diet?
Choose body conturing as surgery intervention only if is necessary,if other solutions don't give results or if this decision will help you feel better psychologicaly.

Life Medical Assistance offers you PLASTIC SURGERY PACKAGES (professional and accesible).
The specialist doctor will decide withyou the best solution,and Life Medical Assistance offers an unique medical package with all cost included in the price of surgery intervention : the aditional treatment,the clinic sitting,the medical assistance post-operation,food.
Also you can choose to recover in one of our resort at the sea, an exotic place, build for confort and relaxation.

Prevent overweight,have a healthy diet with low fat,sugar (they trasform in fats in the body) and salt (guilty of water retaining)!

Do regular physical exercises,for a general body tone,a fit body shape and healthy lifestyle ( for cardiological,respiratory,vascular,psycological benefits).
Concentrate on those body parts that you consider them as "problematic".

Today we recomandate you THIGHTS and BUTTOCKS EXERCISE for a firm and slender look.
So you will not use the pareo on the beach anymore!


What is the role of school in improving nutritional status of schoolchildren?SCHOOL HEALTH PROGRAM

Educate a Healthy Feeding for Children
Every meal have to provide: proteins,vitamins and energy!

School environment is the surrounding of children at school and the condition of it is essential in the children health.The environment must fulfil sanitary requirements.
The environment has to provide the basic preventive measures of communicable diseases and to give feeling of confort and better educational achievement.
Also the health level from nutritional point of view has to be achieved and maintained following some basic requirements:
-provide an adequate nutrition
-have a sanitary school environment (preventing infectious disease development).

The school can improve the nutritional status of schoolchildren by:
-school feeding program
-nutritional education of children
-dietary supplementation,by vitamin and mineral preparations (according to the local deficiency problems)
-prevention and control of parasitic disease.

School Feeding Program:
It is necessary to plan a program for feeding of schoolchildren.
The school feeding supports growth and health lifestyle ,contributes to educational progress and in some cases supplements home feeding ( in case of less developed families).

Every school has to provide a safe source of potable water!

School Feeding Must:
-provide 50% of recommended dietary allowences,specially of protective nutrients (protein,vitamins,minerals)
-be popular and fulfil requirements of food sanitation.

A suitable form of school meal is given,according to available resources,for exemple:
Hot meal : the most valuable (but limited practical according to availability)
Cold meal : made of a variety of foods,as cheese,boiled eggs,stewed beans.
Snacks : specially of cheese and eggs (providing energy).
Milk : kindergarten and primary school children can be given a good amount of milk every day.It would be of good nutritive value,specially for protein and calcium.

In case when the children have to bring food and snacks from home,the school has to prepare special place for taking food,with handwashing before and after.

Along with an healthy nutritional program the school environment conditions is responsable for schoolchildren health too.
That's why the school have to be in a conveniently area,away from sources of noise and polution.
The playground and yard must be available and suitable for safety activities.
The classroom has to have an adequate wventilation (windows in both side of the walls) and an adequate lighting.
Also the desks and seats have to be convenient and confortable with proper spacing.

Respect a correct functional program!The main heath status of children (school age)  is given by the quality of school program.

Medical Travel,Elderly Care: Rheumatism treatment packages for Safaga,Egypt

Rheumatism is one of the main problem of the elderly in the cold regions.
Life Medical Assistance prevent developing severe problems of elderly  providing medical care in a convenient environment.
If the rheumatism have been diagnised,an appropriate care (nutrition and supliments,special medicine) is necessary and also a treatment program based on natural elements have a major contribution for an optimal result.
Life Medical Assistance offers a special place for rheumatism treatment.

Egypt is a worm weather country and the Red Sea bring medical benefits for so many needs.
SAFAGA is a touristic place at the Red Sea,is known for its special weather,visit for medical resons by people from al over Europe and recognized by all as treatment place.
International Scientific Studies homologate the medical properties of Safaga weather (in certain limits of the city).The unique quality of UV,the water enriched by natural elements and the "black sand" consistency and quality have a powerful role in psoriasis (skin disease) healing and rheumatism treatment.
The special program with a procedure set by the specialist doctor (of 7-14 days basis and 1 month for severe psoriasis cases) will bring optimum results.

Our resort is biuld on concept of relaxation and treatment.
Privat Beach
Special place for treatment
Sea view Hotel
23 Double rooms,all utilities,balcony
Dinning salon
Beach restaurant
Special places to spend time: beach,panoramic roof,diving center
Medical clinic
Specialist doctor

In the Treatment package are included:
-transportation airport-resort
-3 meals a day
-medical examination
-medical supervision
-all treatment procedure
-1 day Hurghada trip

For prices informations  and pictures visit

What are Free Radicals and other Oxidants?

The man is at the risk of of degenerative diseases that involve different parts of the body under the action of the oxidants.The elderly are the main high risk group exposed to morbidity hazard of aging.
The aging process is not fully clear yet and a number of theories is suggested to explain aging changes and associated hazardsas:
-Defective synthesis of protein
-Faulty repair of DNA
-Accelerated wear and tear (may play a role)
-Free radicals theory.

Free Radicals are hightly reactive chemicals that must be inactivated by different defence systems of the body,otherwise their reactivity can involve and damage the body cells.Are those implicated in the etiology of different degenerative diseases.
Free radicals are externally introduced (exogenous) or internally produces (endogenous) sources.

Externally introduced sources of free radicals:
-exposure to radiation (the ultraviolet)
-some drugs,specially when exist an abuse of it
-inhalation of certain air pollutants,including pesticides
-exposure to ozone
-cigareete smoking.

Internally produced sources of free radicals:
-some metabolic processes of the body that produce reactive oxygen species (oxidantive metabolic process)
-inflammatory and ischemic processes and others.

Free radicals and other oxidants are cell oxidizers described as cell destroyers.The molecules of oxidants are not readily metabolized in the body and so accumulate leading to irreversible cell damage.
Antioxidant defensive mechanism of the body protects the cells against their destroying effect.But,formation of free radicals and oxidants,together with impaired antioxidant defences,predispose to cell deterioration and degenerative diseases,specially of elderly.

Harmful oxidative effect involves proteins,carbohydrates,lipids and DNA,and plays an important role in pathogenesis of degenerative  of degenerative diseases of aging for exemple:
-artherosclerosis and associated cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease.
-neurodegenerative process (Alzheimer's disease).

Can appear the Oxidative Strees:
Is the adverse condition that results from imbalance between high exposure to sources of oxidants and antioxidants defence of the body.

Antioxidant Defence of the Body:
They combate the harmful effect of free radicals and other oxidants.
1.Enzyme-are antioxidants that react with the oxidizing chemicals and diminish the concentration of harmful oxidants in the body and protect the body against their damaging effect.
2.Antioxidants vitamins: vitamin A,C and E.This protect the cells by binding electrically unbalanced free radicals and prevent deposition of cholesterol in arterial walls and so protect the heart and limit progression of degenerative disease and premature aging.

Calcium-Function and Role in the body

Elements as calcium,phosphorus,iron,iodine and fluorine are from the inorganic elements category,necessary for normal function of vital processes of the body and in formation,maintenance of bone and teeth.

Normal calcium content of adult body is about 1,5 kg: 99% in bones and teeth and 1% in soft tissues and body fluids.

Sources of calcium:
The richest sources: milk,cheese and other sources as: shellfish,canned fish,some green vegetables,sesame.

Absorption of dietary calcium:
Vitamin D is needed for absorption in the intestine.
Extent of absorption is influenced by:
-the quality of diet (better absorption with animal protein diet).
-calcium ratio in diet.
-gastric acidity.

Physiologic Role:
Calcium and phosphorum are the main elements of bone and teeth,they are needed for normal growth,development and maintenance.
Blood calcium is essential for normal clotting of blood.
Calcium contributes to normal functioning of motor nerve and prevention of nerve irritability.
Calcium regulates pulse and contraction heart.

Calcium Deficiency:
Calcium deficiency cause deficiency disease and metabolic disorder of bone:
1.Rickets: affects young is principally caused by vitamin D deficiency that affects absorption and metabolism of calcium.
2.Osteomalacia: affects adults specially multiarous (many pregnancies) mothers.
3.Osteoporosis: due to multiple causes related to bone density and loss of bone substance,including deficiency of calcium,phosphorus and vitamin D.
4.Tetany: due to severe calcium deficiency,that leads to hypocalcemia that causes increased irritability of motor nerves.


Fight against Anorexia! Health Educational Program

Anorexia Nervosa -is a eating disorder characterized by refusel to eat,to maintain the body weight,caused by a obsessive fear of ganing weight do to a disorded self image.
Shocking the present reality shows an increased numbers of anorexia cases.
To prevent this phenomenon is necessary a complex health education program based on general teaching process.

Is necessary to give complete and correct informations about the practice of a healthy diet (the one that makes your body function properly).
The educational program has to be addressed to all public and especially to the vulnerable groups.

Is necessary to inform them about:
-basic knnowledge of nutrition
-principals of feeding practice (for parents)
-how to choose foods (quality and quantity) of a healthy diet
-etiology and predisposing factors of anorexia
-pictures of anorexia cases and how to be prevented.
-psychological support.

Methods of informing:
-Personal Approach: friendly and open talk in families,lectures in schools,seminars in institutions,home visits,demonstration of preparing a healthy meal (and talking about the lack of those elements in the body)
-Mass Media : offering a correct image about the healthy body,medical informations,show the negative effects of this type of behavior.

Do not forget one of the causes of young mortality is anorexia,let's fight against this scourge!

Food Groups and their Properties

The food is grouped according to their function in the body.

Group 1 -Energy supplying foods
Bread and cereals are source of energy,they supply carbohydrates,iron and B viatmins (by whole cereal grain) and also provide cellulose.

Group 2-Body-building foods
This type of foods have a role in build tissues and bones.
-Milk :milk and some milk products,specially cheese and yogurt provide protein,calcium,phosphorus and ribofavin.
-Meat : includes both animal and plant foods that provide protein,phosphorus and B viatmins.
Basic sources:
    -meat of animals,poutry,fish,organs and eggs
    -vegetable protein: dried beans.

Group 3-Vitality foods
Are those foods that provide vitamins and minerals needed for pysiologic processes of the body.

Atention the "additional" foods!
-animal fats,trans oils,sugar,rafinated flour,aditives.
It's named additional foods those used to improve taste,this provide more calories and health problems if are consumed in exccess.

For a healthy life select the foods for their benefits,plan a adequate diet,do physical exercises and drink minimum 2 l of water a day


Disorders of Immune Reaction-Definition Terms

The antigen is a foreign protein substance that can evoke an immune response mediated by plasma cells .
The incomplete antigen is a nonprotein foreign substance that can evoke an immune response by combining whit one of the body proteins (where this combination acts as an antigen).
When a tissue structure is considered antigenic is called autoantigen and leads to an autoimmune disease.

The antibodies are proteins secreted by plasma cells,called immunoglobulins.

Immunity-is a useful reaction against living irritants resulting in their elimination.
Hypersensitivity-a hurmful reaction against living irritants (bacteria,virus,etc) or non living irritants (such as food proteins,dust,pollens,drugs,etc) leading to tissue destruction.

Sleep Apnea Syndrome-Symptoms and Treatment

Types of Sleep Apnea:
-Obstructive -due to obesity
-Central-due to genetic defect of respiratory drive

-insomnia at night& sleepiness at daytime
-condition is aggravated by sedatives given for treatment of insomnia due to further suppression or respiration
-cynosis may occur
-complications: arrhythmias,death.

For the Obstructive Type:
-weight reduction
-airway prosthesis
For Central Type:
-progesteron treatment
-aminophylline treatment
-protryptyline treatment.


Treat Rheumatism with black sand in Safaga-Red Sea!

If you suffer of rheumatism you know very well the benefits of the natural treatment.
Baths with mineral or salt water,bady package with argila (clay) or mud with special properties and treatment with the unique BLACK SAND.
Life Medical Assistance uses this miraculous power of the nature in your favour!
Choose a package of complete treatment,in a exotic and relaxing place.
Worm all year,beautiful emerald sea,exotic vegetation,confortable resort and qualified medical assistance.

Read More:

For more information visit L.M.A Medical Travel or CONTACT US!


Clinic Admission,Examination,Basic Tests,Anaesthesia and related medicine at the same PRICE with the Surgical Intervention

L.M.A's clinics are dedicated to help patients that need or want a quality and professional treatment,promoting packages of medical services with a special price for Medical Tourism.

Choose any of our services of:
-Plastic Surgery
-General Surgery
-Oncologic Surgery
-Fertility Treatment
-Rheumatism Treatment
-Psoriasis Treatment
at the same package with all included medical expenses.

Our medical team works for your confort and safety!

Color Hair during Pregnancy

There have been numerous studies on hair coloring and pregnancy and at this piont there have been no evidence that coloring your hair causes birth defects.
Have been made researches on rodents and the studies dicovered negative effects o animal foetuses,in case when the animals were fed with a large amount of substances contained in color hair product.But was considered that this doesn't have the same effect in case of skin applied.
Other studies on hair dye have shown that only a small percentage of hair dye is actually absorbed through the scalp and gets into the body.But nowadays manufacturers have stopped making hair dye with harm ingredients.
While the absorption through the skin is minimal,the larger danger is the fumes,which can be inhaled in greater amounts (dye hair contain ammonia which has a strong chemical fume).
Is more recommend highlighting or low-lighting your hair when the dye is encased in foil and doesn't come into direct contact with your skin or release fumes in aer.
A chemical free vegetable dye is also another good alternative.

Even though there has not been any evidence of hair dye causing birth defects,is not sure of being safety.and is recommended to not use hair dye in the first trimester of the pregnancy.
The first trimester is when all of your baby's major organs are forming.your doctor may recommend postponing coloring your hair until you are in your second trimester or avoiding hair coloring all together.

Safety Tips:
-avoid coloring your hair during the first trimester
-choose a hair dye that will stay on your scalp for the least amount of time as possible
-where gloves when you color your hair
-highlight your hair
-use natural hair dye

Ovulation Calendar

Ovulation is the relaeased of a single,mature egg from the ovary and is available to be fertilized.
Each woman is born with millions eggs that are awaiting ovulation to begin.
Usually the ovulation occurs regularly around day 14 of a 28 day menstrual cycle.
An egg lives 12-24 hours after leaving the ovary.Normally only one egg is released each time of ovulation.
Ovulation can be affected by stress,illness or disruption of normal routines.
A menstrual period can occur even if ovulation has not occured.

A woman's montly cycle is measured from the first day of her menstrual period until the first day of her next period.A woman's cycle normally is between 28-32 days,but some wemen can have a shorter or much longer cycles.

Your fertile period starts about 4-5 days before ovulation and ends about 24-48 hours,this becose sperm can live in the body for approximately 4 to 5 days and 24-48 hours after being released.

Megaloblastic Anemia Definition

Megaloblastic Anemia is that anemia in which there is impaired DNA synthesis due to deficiency of Vitamin B12 or/and folic acid leading.
Vitamin B12 deficiency is more common in the case of lack diet of animal products,vegetarian individuals.
Specific for this type of anemia is the  Vitamin B12  malabsorbtion.
An increased demand it is found in infancy,pregnancy,malignancy and chronic hemolysis.
The folic acid deficiency is more common in case of lack diet of vegetables and excessive alcohol intake.
An increased demand it is found in infancy,pregnancy,malignancy and chronic hemolysis.

Vitamin B12 and folic acid deficiency are essential for DNA synthesis,so their deficiency will lead to deficient DNA synthesis in the dividing cells.This way in the bone marrow a delayed division will result in the production of megaloblasts instead of the normaloblasts.Since the megaloblasts are abnormal cells,they will be destroyed in the bone marrow.

Megaloblasts that are formed in the bone marrow will lose their nuclei and reach the peripheral blood as macrocytes (which are large cells whit reduced hemoglobin).Many of this macrocytes are taken by the spleen and destroyed.

Symptoms of Megaloblastic Anemia:
-Manifestation due to infections and bleeding.
-Red glazed tongue
-Abdominal pain,diarrhoea,malabsorbtion.
-Neurological manifestations (only in B12 deficiency)


Medical Tourism in Hurghada: medical treatment,medical assistance,exotic place for recovery and relaxation


LIFE MEDICAL ASSISTANCE offers you medical treatment at affordable prices for everybody.
We are already the first choise for people from countries like :Serbia,Russia,Poland,Czech Republic,Bulgaria,Hungary and Germany.
We thank all our patients for their trust and for making us proud of successful results!
With LIFE MEDICAL ASSISTANCE you get professional medical treatment!
Ask help,talk with us about your medical problem and together we will find a solution!


Types of Melanoma

Melanoma is a malignant tumor.It commonly arises as a new structure but nodular melanoma may arise on top pre-existing acquired or congenital nevi (mole).
Malignant transformation of a pre-existing nervus is suspected when the size enlarges whit ulceration,color changes and regional lymph node enlargement.
Malignant melanoma develop on the fallowing sites:
-skin,anywhere in the body including head neck,scrotum,palms of hands,soles of feet.
-less common sites: mucous membranes and mucocutaneous junctions as conjunctiva,rectum,mouth and vagina,eyes as choroid and iris.

Types of Melanoma:

1.Melanoma with radial pattern of growth:
Tumors grows laterally within the epidermis.
-Lentigo Maligna : appers aa pigmented macule in the face of elderly people.
-Superficial spreading melanoma : appears as slightly raised brown irregular patch in legs or back of the patient
-Acral Lentiginous Melanoma : it occurs in hairless skin (palms and soles).

2.Melanoma with vertical pattern of growth (nodular melanoma):
It is an agressive tumor with poor prognosis.
Appears as an ulcerating nodule,-3 cm in diameter,dark brown,but may be pale in color.


STEM CELLS - Sources and Therapeutic Applications

Stem cells exist in various parts of the human body at every stage of development from embryo to adult.
They are the master cells of the body.They are unspecialized cells that can divide giving copies of themselves and under proper conditions can alo develop into mature cells of different types such as liver cells,nerve cells,skin,pancreatic insulin producing cells,cardiac muscle,vessels and many others.The recent exhaustive researches about stem cells prove that these cells can be ued in repairing,treating and curing a variety of diseases and injuries.
Also a number of recent experiments have raised the possibility that stem cells from one tissue may be able to give rise to cell types of a completely different tissue.This phenomenon is known as stem cell plasticity.
Exemples of such plasticity include bone marrow stem cells becoming neurons or pancreatic islet cells that are capable of producing insulin.

Sources of STEM CELLS:
Stem Cells can be colected from:
-aborted fetuses or IVF embryos (fertilized eggs)-but it is a etthical utility
-bone marrow
-peripherial blood
-umbilical cord blood
-pulp of milk teeth
-and fat cells are recnt sources of adult stem cells

Therapeutic Applications of STEM CELLS:
-Generation of different types of neurons for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease
-Spinal Cord Injuries
-Parkinson's disease
-Generation of insulin-secreting pancreatic islet cells to treat type I Diabetes
-Production of heart muscle cells to repair myocardial injury
-Generation of hair folicle stem cells for the treatment of certain types of baldness
-Drug testing
-Cancer research
-Research on embryonic development.


Pigmented Moles in Children

The pigmented mole is a sign of benign disease of the skin but not a true tumor.
Occurs for congenital cause,but the most commonly aquired.The aquired type is almost present in all persons,usually as multiple lesions,starting during childhood and stop growing at puberty.They may progressively disappear,but some persist.
The lesions start as small (1-2 mm) brown to black macules that enlarge gradually (rarely excced 6mm).As they enlarge they become depigmented and appear as pink papules.By congenital cause the mole will appear blue.
If you notice any of this signs do a medical examination.
Malignant transformation is very rare.


Life Medical Asistance Company-the first choise of europeans for Medical Tourism

We are happy to help all those who need medical treatment offering them high quality at a best cost.
Thank you all those who trust us,believe in our promises and maked us proud of all successful results!
Thank you all those who read this medical blog and became our patients!
Thank you for the powerfull support from UK,Germany,Serbia,Belgium,Hungary and many other European Countries.

From this season L.M.A Company will offer you the entire medical package at the same price of the treatment.The hospitalization,the examination and investigation,anaesthesia,nursering-all are included in the price of the surgery.We can also offer you a good fly and hotel room (in case is necessary) at special price for those who travel for medical needs.

Your LIFE comes first!


Psoriasis-Characteristics,Types and Treatment

Safaga Special Weather ,Mud and Water for Psoriasis Treatment

Psoriasis it is a common chronic disease,non-infective genetically  and usually with no symptoms except from its cosmetic changes.

The first stage is characterized by:
-red papule covered by silvery withe scales,whne scales are removed,bleeding points appear\
-appears on the surface of the elbows,knees,it may occur in the scalp,abdomen,genital area.
-the skin is dry and may be painful
-skin red and swollen
-in pustular psoriasis :fever,chills,severe itching,rapide pulse arte,loss of appetite,muscle wikness,anemia.

Psoriasis is more prevalent in people who are overweight.
Generalized psoriasis is called Exfoliative Psoriasis.
According to the size of papules exist:
-punctate psoriasis (the size of pinhead)
-guttate psoriasis (from 2-3 mm up to 1 cm)
-nummular psoriasis (from 1 cm to several cms,coin shaped).

Psoriasis is associated with:
-nail affection
-Koebner's Phenomenon(skin lesions appearing on lines of trauma,exposure or irritation).

Types of Psoriasis:
-Psoriasis Vulgaris
-Psoriasis of the nail
-Flexural Psoriasis (affects areas where the skin is folded as armpits,etc)
-Napkin Psoriasis (seen in infants between two and eight months of age)
-Psoriasis of the scalp
-Pustular Psoriasis (can be triggered by infections,sunburn or medication)
-Erythrodemic Psoriasis (can occur suddently,tiggers incudes infections,alcoholism,emotional stress or medication and covers a large portion of the body).

The second stage of psoriasis is characterized by hypopigmentation.

Read: Psoriasis Symptoms and Alternative Treatment

The diagnosis has to be gived by the specialist doctor and the treatment has to be taken under supervision.
The topical treatment consist in:
-cosrticosteroids (cream and ointment)
-Dithronol paste
-vitamin D3 (sun exposure).

Psoriasis is treated also by irradiation or antibiotics and by special mud.

Red Sea is well known for the medical use.The scientific researches descovered an unique feature of the place:the healing properties of the worm weather,the water enriched with a complex of natural elements and the black sand (mud).

L.M.A offers you treatment for dermatitis and psoriasis: a luxury resort,with clinics specialized in skin disease treatment and professional doctors.

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2 weeks programme                                                   700 €
4 weeks programme (in case of severe poriasis)    1300 €

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For more informations and reservations Contact us!

Read More:



Characteristics of Benign and Malignant Tumor

A tumor is a new growth forming,an abnormal mass caused by autonomous self controlling proliferation of cells independent of stimuli.
The study of tumors is referred to as ONCOLOGY.

Clasification of Tumors:
According to their behavior or as biological clasification are:
-Benign (generally have good prognosis)
-Malignant (generally have poor prognosis)
-Intermediate  tumors (locally malignant neoplasms,locally agressive tumors)

According of tissue of origin:
-Epithelial tumors
-Mesenchymal tumors

Characteristics of BEGNIN TUMOR:
  1. The growthis slow and expansile,compressing the surrounding tissue without invasion.
  2. Begnin tumors do not spread
  3. Begnin tumors do not recur if is well excised
  4. Begnin tumors are not dengerous unless:
-they arise in vital organs as brain
-they arise in hollow organs (as intestine) causing obstruction
-they produce hormones as in tumors of endocrine glands
-some begnin tumors may change malignant.This may be clinically manifested by change of growth rate (becoming faster) and growth mode (becoming infiltrative,destructive and metastasizing).

Benign tumor structure:
-tumor margins are well degined
-cut section of the tumor is commonly uniform with no hemorrage or necrosis
-a tumor arise inside a solid organ appears globular or ovoid and aften becomes surrounded by a fibrous capsule composed of a rim of condensed connective tissue
-a tumor arising from surface epithelia form a non-capsulated polyp.

Characteristics of MALIGNANT TUMOR:
  1. The rate of growth is often rapid,invasive,infiltrating and destroying the surrounding normal tissue .
  2. The malignant tumors spread.
  3. -Recurrence after surgical excision is very common either from tumor cell remnats or from a new neoplastic transformation.
  4. Malignant tumors are serious and cause death.
Causes of Death includes:
-local organ destruction by direct spread
-distant organ destruction by metatstases
-destruction of vital centrers (brain tumors)
-obstruction of the lumen of hollow organs (intestinal tumors)
-organ failure
-chronic toxemia do to secondary bacterial infection
-anaemia: recurrent hemorrages from the tumors,bone marrow destruction by metastases,high tumor cell metabolism may lead to folic acid deficiency.
-cachecia: it is manifested by marked decrease of body weigh accompanied by profound weakness,anorexia and anaemia.

Malignant tumor structure:
-tumors margins are irregular or ill defined
-cut section of the tumor often shows areas of hemorrage and necrosis
-a tumor inside a solid organ appears as irregular noncapsulated mass
-tumors arise from surface epithelia appears as noncapsulated masses assuming different patterns

L.M.A offers you a developed section dedicated to Oncology,Specialist Doctors and the Latest Technology for a safe treatment.
Our company offers you all packagy:fly ticket,hotel (if is necessary),set of investigations and medical treatment at special price.
Contact Us!


Manifestations of Congenital Syphilis-Infection Transmitted from mother to fetus

Congenital Syphilis names the transplacental infection from a syphilitic mother to the fetus.
In case of infected mother during pregnancy the placenta appears enlarged and pale and this can determinate abortion,stillbirth (give birth to a death fetus) or the baby survives and develops two groups of manifestations:

1.Early Manifestations:
These type of manifestations develop during the first two years of life often between the 2nd and 10th week and are common to those with the secondary stage of disease.Appears:
-skin rash
-mucus patches (found in the mucus membranes of the mouth and anus)
-generalized lymph node enlargement (lymph node-small ball shaped organ of the immun system,distributed widely throughhout the body)
-radiating scars at the angles of mouth and anus
-syphilitic inflamation of organs that can result in pneumonia alba (pale lungs) and syphilitic cirrhosis
-retardation of bone growth.

2.Late Manifestations (2-30 years):
-Hutchinson's Teeth-the permanent central incisors are short,notched and widely separated
-sabre tibia (the tibia is thickened and brent)
-saddle nose


Metabolic Functions of the LIVER

The liver cells are a large chemically reactant pool having a very high rate of metabolism.

1.Carbohydrate Metabolism:
The liver function as a sort of "glucostat" maintaining a constant circulating glucose level under the effect of numerous hormones:
-formation and storage of glycogen
-brackdown of glycogen into glucose
-formation of glucose from non-carbohydrate sources
-conversion of galactose and fructose to glucose.

2.Fat Metabolism:
-has a high rate in oxidation of fatty acids to supply energy for other body functioons
-has a role in formation of lipoproteins (particles formed of both water and fat)
-a role in synthesis of cholesterol and phospholipids
-and do the conversion of cholesterol and proteins to fat.

3.Protein Metabolism:
-deamination of aminoacids before they can be used for energy or before thay can be transformed into carbohydrates or fats
-formation of urea (chemical compound found in urine)
-formation of plasma proteins
-synthesis of all non-essential amino-acids.

Other functions of liver:
-storage of vitamins: such as vitamin A,D and B12
-storage of iron
-detoxification or excretion of drugs,hormones and other substances.

Protect your liver through a healthy diet and don't do excess of drugs!

Reduce a large mass of adipose tissue with regular exercise! Medical explanation.

Whit regular physical activity we can burn fat deposits.Training brings a reduction in both the size and the fat content of individual adipose cell,although the cell number apparently remains the unchanged.
The sensitivity of the body receptors is also increased during effort and so the adipocyties liberate more free fatty acids when receives catecholamine (hormones released by the adrenalin glands in response to stress)stimulus.
Reduction of adipose tissue mass is larger when substantial amounts of energy are expended for some months and that is why long periods of vigorous exercise reduce more body fat.
Regular and concentrate exercise can also reduce serum triglycerides (the excess of calories food is stored in the body as tryglycerides),flow density lipoproteins (particles composed both by water and fat) and total colesterol (fat transported in blood).

Take care of your health!Have control over your daily diet and do physical activity.Like that you can prevent complications of overweight body: high blood pressure,cardiovascular diseases,obesity,diabetes,fat liver and stones of gall blodder,atherosclerosis and psychological troubles.


Rhinoplasty-Procedure and Risks

The rhinoplasty is a reconstructive or correction surgery in order to improve the function or the esthetic appearance of the nose.Can have as propuse the correction of a trauma,birth defects or breathing problems.
It is a surgical procedure wich is usually performed by the plastic surgeon but can be performed by ortolaryngologist or maxillofacial surgeon too.
The rhinoplasty surgery can be performed under general anesthetic or with local anesthetic.

There are two possible approches to the nose:
-close approach
-open approach.
In close rhinoplasty the incisions are made inside the nostrils (so,in this case the incisions are hidded) and in open approch the incision is made across the skin that separates the nostrils.
The surgeon first separates the skin and soft tissues of the nose and then reshape the cartilage and bone.
After the surgery the patient can return home (this in hours,or a day).After surgery restrict your activities and sleep with your head elevated,supported by pillows.
The bruises around the eyes and cheeks are apparent only the first 3 days and the swelling may last few weeks,after the paking is removed (in 7 days after surgery).The stitches are removed in 3-7 days.
Even most of the patients prefer to remain in house for the first week,is more safe to be outdoors to fast the healing.
For any case the plastic surgeon has to decide about the possibilities of correction,is not professional to complish the patient wishes (that can be exagerated and unreal) without stablish if the bone structure and the septum support are suitable to reconstruction .
Drastically corrections,exagerating demands can bring risks for minor complications until nasal obstarction.
If after surgery bleeding occurs,this is not serious,pass fast and doesn't need treatment (consult your doctor).
Other post operative complications are the scars (very rare) and nasal obstraction.
Exist an other way to reshape the nose without surgical procedure,by injection.

Don't become a victim of your illusions.
Discuss with the plastic surgeon if is possible the correction you wish.
The plastic surgery has its gratitude if reconstruct when is needed and correct when is necessary!

Choose L.M.A Plastic Surgery!We provide you Professor Doctors with Esthetic Skills,modern and discret procedures with the possibility to recover in an exotic place,sunny all seasons,confortable and accesible!


Syphilis-Modes of Transmission and stages of disease

Syphilis is one of the sexually transmitted diseases.Is an acute disease that becomes chronic and disabling if is not treated.

Modes of Transmission:
1.Contact with open lesion of infected person:common mode of infection is venereal infection by sexual contact and kissing (Atention!: the infection in the secondary stage reach the mucous of the mouth).
2.Exposure to infected blood by:
-using blood contaminated syringes and needles for inoculation of medicines or taking blood sample or by intravenous drug abuse.
-blood transfusion without precaution.
professional exposure of medical and paramedical and laboratory workers t infected blood.
3.Congenital Infection "inutero infection": transplacental infection from the 4th month of pregnancy to the end of delivery.
4.Contaminated articles and fomites::towels,clothing,drinking,cups and others are potentially infectious  but their role is minor.
Period of Infectivity: Untreated cases are infectious during the primary and secondary stages of disease of varied period,usually 2-4 years.
Exit of Infection: the organisms exit in exudate of skin and mucous membrane lesions,blood and body fluids.
Incubation period: 3 weeks on the average.

Untreated cases pass through three basic Clinical Stages over many years:

1.Primary Syphilis:  "Chancre" is the first manifestation that appears at the portal of entry usually on geniatlia and occasionally on other parts in nonveneral infection.
"Chancre" is indurated,firm,painless,highly infectious ulcer with enlarged lymph nodes and disappears spontaneously in 4-6 weeks.

2.Secondary Syphilis: this stage is characterised by:
-generalised skin rash
-patchy lesions of mucous membranes specially on mouth and genitalia.They are highly infectious.
-involvement of eyes and other pars of the body.The secondary stage syphilis disappear spontaneous after weeks or months,followed by a latent period of years before the 3rd stage appears.

3.Symptomatic Syphilis: involves different parts of the body leading to cardiovascular syphilis and neurosyphilis.


Priapism (painful erection)-Serious cause of permanent impotance

Priapism is a painful medical condition in which the erect penis does not return to the its falccid state,despite of both physical and psycological stimulation,within four hours.

Is a continuous painful erection without sexual excitation.In this case the blood vassel dilatate,increasing the blood flow into the penis giving a continuosly painful erection,this can lead to ischemia and permanent impotence and as complication the ischemia can result in gangrene,for which could necessitate penis removal.

Priapism is considered a medical emergency and an early treatment is necessary for a functional recovery.

Priapism can be also caused by reactions to medications like intra-venous injection for dysfunctional erection,antidepressants,anticoagulants,alcohol and cocaine.
Priapism is associated with leukemia and neurological disease.

The Treatment should be started as early as possible whitin the first 24 hours.
The treatment most be given by a qualified medical practitioner,and consists in:
-intracorporial injection of adrenaline or ephedrine
-evacuation of the penile blood.

Mosquitos-Transmission of disease

They are more common in worm,tropical and temperate countries.
They are small insects of 3-10 mm,the body covered with scales,one pair of compound eyes,one pair of long antenne and mouth.

Female are adapted for percing and sucking blood with the blood feeder formed of: uper lip,tongue with salivary duct running along it,one pair of mandibles and one pair of maxille with separrated tips,lower lip (this does not enter the wound of bite when mosquito feeds).The secretion of saliva causes hyperemia and prevent coagulation of blood.

The male suck only and feeds on flower juice (vegetarian) and has no role in disease transmission.

The life cycle takes 2 weeks.Fertilised female need a blood meal for development of eggs and eggs are laid on the surface of water either singly or in group cemented together.It hatches within 3-4 days at the suitable temperature.
The larva lives in water and feeds on organic matter and plants.

Transmission of disease:
By bite the female mosquito can transmit the fallowing diseases:
-human malaria
-tissue namatode (tissue worm)
-viral encephalitis
-rift valley fever virus: viral disease.
-bird malaria
-dengue fever virus: a viral disease similar to influenza characterized by fever,headache,bone aches and severe joint pains that last for about one week.
-yellow fever virus: is a qurantinable viral disease wich is endemic in Tropical africa and South America).