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The hemorrhage is defined as escape of blood outside the cardivascular system.
-erosion of vessels in case of:malignant tumors,tuberculosis,peptic ulcer
-venous congestion
-inflammation bilharzial cystitis
blood disease as hemophilia,purpura and leukemia
-vitamin C or K deficiency
1.External hemorages:
-from skin
-from respiratory tract:bleeding from the nose,coughing blood
-from alimentary tract:vomiting blood,passage of dark digested blood in stools,red blood passing with the stools
-from urinary tract
-from female genitals:excessive or prolonged menses,irregular uterine bleeding.
2.Internal hemorrhage
3.Intestitial hemorrhage.This is hemorrhage in the intestitial tissue spaces.According to the size of hemorrhagic zone it may be termed petechial(small spots of hemorrhage),ecchymosis or hematoma(large blood swelling).