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OBESITY-Prevention and Management

The prevention of the morbidity and mortality as risk of obesity(the disease that increased newadays as result of modern society) has to be done by:
-a good nutrition education of the public for adequate balanced diet that satisfies just the body needs,and education for a proper dietary habits for no excess energy(fats and carbohydrates)
-encourage the public for suitable physical activity and open air exercise
-doing social and mental health promotion,within the family,at school and work
-promote a control diet where appetite can be satisfied by:frequent small meals,leaving the table before full stomach,consumption of vegetables,that gives filling effect without adding weight.
-and by medical indication and supervision use appetite-suppressing drugs.

Management of Obesity:

The obesity management includes:diet control,physical activity,social welfare,medication and health appraisal.
1.Diet control:
-Restricted diet(according to degree of obesity) that may start with 1000 calories a day,and can be reduced to 500 calories in severe cases.
-Limiting carbohydrate content of diet,specially sugar
-Low-fat diet
-Attempting change of faulty eating habits,and provide a good consumption of vegetables.
2.Activity:convenient physical activity and exercise for a suitable period,daily.
3.Social welfare:social and mental health promotion ,specially of the elderly and lonely cases,for psychologic relief and adjustment and management of problem cases.
-appetite suppressions according to medical prescription and supervision(for selected cases)
-supplementation of restricted diet
5.Surgical therapy:bypass surgery(reducing the size of the stomach).