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Blood Transfusion Complications

Blood transfusion is lifesaving emergency service,that may be needed for surgical,obstetric,first aid and other purposes.
Transfusion however may be associated with health complications that may arise from:
-body reaction to given blood
-infectious agents from blood donor

Potential Complications of transfusion:
-infection when the donor is infected with hepatitis viruses,ciclomegalo virus,HIV.syphilis,malaria.
-blood incompatibility:when ABO blood type group of donor,other then the O differs from that of recipient
-agglutination and hemolysis of red blood cells
-haemolytic jaundice
-kidney injury:tulbular necrosis'-shock in severe cases
-sensitization of Rh negative female when given Rh positive trasfusion.When married to Rh positive husband,the first infant,supposed not to be affected,would not escape ,since mother is already sensitized by past Rh positive transfusion.
-mild fever,do to presence of pyrogens.

Prevention of Transfusion Complications;
1.Precautions with blood donors-must be healthy,and no addicts,must be free of infection.
blood group ABO and Rh to be registrated in identity and blood donation card
2.Precautions with blood recipients:
-blood grouping ABO and Rh is not determinated before and registrated in identity card
-if the blood grouping is not available and no time or facilities for pretransfusion grouping:group blood O Rh negative blood for females is used.
-supervision of case during and after process of transfusion,for any reaction.