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Genital Infections-Phyogenic Infections

We will talk about infections that affect individual organs.

Vulvitis is an infection of abrasions and wounds.
Local injuries or abrasions resulting from sanitary towels and tight underclothing(often impregnated whit irritant detergents left from washing) are common source of vulval dermatitis.
Excoriation of the skin can also be caused by vaginal discharge and by ammonia liberated by ureaspliting organisms when the vulva is exposed to constant leakage of urine.All this lesions can become secondarily infected to cause local pain and tenderness.
The treatment consists of rest,warm baths and removal of the cause.

Intertrigo-lack of cleanliness leads to a collection of irriting sebum and other secretions in the skin folds and secondary infection follows.The only treatment required is care over hygiene.
Inattention to the skin in the area of clitoris can result in the collection of a concretion of smegma resembling a small stone under the prepuce.This have to be removed.
Infection of vulval hair follicles leads to boils and carbuncles which are sometimes recurrent.Glycosuria(the excretion of glucose in urine) must be excluded in such cases.Otherwise,reccurent boils means the pathogenic staphylococci are being harboured in a carrier site (for exemple the nose or axilla) of the patient or of a close associate.This have to be found and eliminated.
For the vulval skin the remedies are scrupulous attention to cleanliness regular application of chlorhexidine cream or swabbing whit a solution of hexachlorophene.
During a phase of active furunculosis a full course of treatment whit penicillin or of other antibiotic appropriate to te infecting organism,should be given systemically,not locally.
Single abscesses,often representing secondary infection of retention cyst of an apocrine or sebaceous glands,have the clinical characteristics of a boil and are treated in the same way.
When the vulval epithelium is thin and inactive as in childhood and old age any of the organisms to  which it is normally,resistant can set up a simple vulvitis.This sometimes leads to labial adhesions.