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Vaginal Discharge

Vaginal discharge may be bloodstained or otherwise.Here we are only concerned with a withe cream,yellow or greenish discharge which is often loosely and wrongly called "leucorrhea".
The complaint of discharge depends very much on the ideas,powers of observation and fastidiousness of individual women.The vulva and vagina are normally moistened by secretion and woman who are overanxious,introspective,or suffering from fears of venereal disease and cancer tend to exaggerate this into something pathological.On the other hand it is not uncommon to find women denying the existence ot an obviously pathological discharge found during examination.
A woman sometimes complains of discharge when she really means vulval odour.
Vulval odour is a normal secondary sex character arising partly from the secretion of Bartholin's glands(two glands located below and to the left and right of the opening of the vagina) but mainly as a result of the acion of bacteria on the secretion of apocrine glands.
providing a reasonable standard of cleanliness is maintained,vulval odour is never apparent to bystanders and those women who complain of it have a disorder of the mind rather than the body.
The idea usually arises from a misinterpretation of some innocent remark of an acquintance and thereafter becomes an obsesion difficult to eradicate.
Despite the fact that nothing more than regular washing is necessary for hygienic purposes.Exist today advertisement to diferent deodorants or spray to clean women genitals but this have an opposite effect if they destroy natural odour and makeover they are harmful as they are unecessary.
The slight discharge normally seen at the vulva and in the vagina is a mixture of the following,all of wich vary in amount and character with ovarian function.
The amount of vaginal discharge ordinarily present in the adult is such that the itoitus feels confortably moist but there is not enough to leave more than an occasional stain on underclothing.
It is normally increased to the extent of becoming noticeable in the following circumstances at the time of ovulation when there is the ovulation cascade from the cervix.During few days premenstrually when there is increased secretion from all parts of genital tract,during pregnancy there is an increase in vaginal and cervical discharge,and during sexual excitement when there is outpouring of Bartholin's secretion on to the vulva.