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First aid management in case of severe trauma or multiple injuries SAVE LIVES! Learn how to give first aid

First aid management of the patient as emergency before hospital management:

1.Prevent asphyxia by the fallowing:
-keep patient airway
pull tangue
-if necessary insert air through mouth
-tilt the head to one side
-support the mandible forward
-clean any secretion.

2.Control of bleeding:
-pack the wound with textile and due local pressure to the bandage
-elevate the hurted part

3.Antishock measures: warm the trunk,elevation of lower part of the body,fluids.

4.Avoid any movement of the spine and splintage for any fracture: in case of cervical spine injury.

5.Immediatly transfer to the hospital !

Hospital management of the patient:

-section of blood,saliva and vomiting from the pharynx and oral cavity
-endotrocheal tube is inserted with mechanical ventilator in hypoventilation,hypoxia or comatosed patient
-oxygen by mask
-seal the wounds
-relieve pain by sedative.
-examination of all system of the body
-urgent investigations.