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Disorders of urinary system.Who is most at risk of developing urinary disorders?

The urinary system rids your body of waste,so it is crucial that functions well.

The urinary system,also known as the urinary tract,consist of a pair of kidneys,the bladder,the ureters,which connect each kidney to the bladder and the urethra,through which urine leaves the body.
Most kidney diseases affects the filtration capacity of the kidneys,causing them to lose function.
Kidney disorders are broadly classified as acute (the sudden failure of the kidney,which may be fatal) or there may ba a gradual reduction in fucntion over months or years,in which case it is chronic.
Although the urinary system is structured in a way that help ward off infection,infections can occur.
They are caused by germs that get into the urethra,which can spread to the kidneys.

Urinary tract infections

Infections can occur if bacteria get into the body via the bloodstream or the urethra.Urinary tract infections (UTI's) are more common in women.
Despite containing fluids,salts and waste products,urine is sterile (free from germs such as bacteria).An infection occurs only when bacteria begin to grow.A woman's urethral opening lies near sources of bacteria from the anus and vagina.
Infections often start in the urethra.From there,the bacteria can move up into the bladder,causing an infection (cystitis).If the infection si not treated,it can spread to the kidneys,causing pyelonephritis,which is serious and can demage the kidneys.

Who is most at risk of developing urinary disorders?

Diet and lifestyle:
People who live n hot climates and who are susceptible to kindney stones are at increased risk if they do not drink enough fluids to replace that lost through perspiration.
Gender and age:
About 20% of women will contract a urinary tract infection (UTI) at some point in their life.The reason for this are not fully understood,although it may because a woman's urethra is short,allowing bacteria quick access to the bladder.Kidney stones are more common in Caucasians,in men and in those between the age of 20 and 40.
Family history:
You are more likly to develop a stone if someone in your family has had a kidney stone.Similarly,anyone who has a kidney stone is at increased risk of having an other .
Other factors:
Any abnormality of the urinary tract that obstruct the flow of urine (a kidney stone,for exemple) sets the stage for a urinary tract infection.
An enlarged prostate gland can also slow urine flow,thus increasing the risk of infection.Sexually,active woman or those who use a diaphragm for birth control may be more likly to have a UTI.
People with diabetes have a higher risk of a UTI because of changes in their immune system.
People with ulcerative colitis or Crohn's diseases,or who have had intestinal bypass surgery for weight loss,are at risk of developing oxalate kidney stones and those poeple may be prescribed preventive treatment.
People with diabetes or high blood pressure,or who have suffered repeated kidney infections are at greatest risk of developing kidney failure.