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The adequate diet for a good functioning of body

Adequate diet is a mixture of food stuffs selected to satisfy nutritional requirements of the body.
Which are the functions of Food?
-Function of body cells,bones and teeth,blood cells.
-Physiologic functioning of the body
-Energy need of the body.

1.Formation of cells:
The food helps to build up new cells during growth and pregnancy and to the maintenance of body cells.
For building and maintenance of bones and teeth id required the following nutrients:
-calcium and phosphorus (basic nutrients)
-vitamin D for absorbtion and metabolism of calcium and phosphorus
-flourine for healthy decay-resistant enamed of teeth.

In case of formation of body cells haemopoietic nutrients are needed:
-iron and protein to form haemoglobin
-vitamin B12 and folic acid for development and maturation of red cells (formed in the bone marrow)
-vitamin C helps absorption of iron
-copper helps absorption of iron and synthesis of haemoglobin

2.Physiologic Functioning of Body:
Certain nutrients are needed for different physiologic processes of the body,as respiration,secretion,digestion,absorption and metabolism.
Required nutrients are:
-B vitamins (they are coenzymes of different enzyme systems needed)
-vitamin A for formation and functioning of health epithelium of skin and mucous membranes.
-iodine: for formation of thyroid hormones
-others: vitamin K,calcium,phosphorus and water.

3.Energy Need of Body: to fulfil both basic energy requirements and performance of physical work and activity.
Required nutrients are:
-carbohydrates: digested and absorbed as glucose.The carbohydrates gives the larges part of energy requirement (60-70%)
-fat and protein.