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The true about the daily requirement of water

Water forms about 70% of body weight.The water represents a necessity of life,being a constituent of all body cells,that is needed for body functioning.
About the daily requirement we hear recomandations like 2 liters ,that is necessary for a good hydration and a healthy function body.
Is true the water helps you eliminate the toxins of the body,keeps your body cells hydrated but we have to fix our water quantity according to many factors.
The daily water requirement varies with factors as climate,physical activity,age.
An adult in temperate climate need about 2-2,5 liters of water a day,obtained from potable water and water from ingested fluids and foods (fresh fruits and vegetables).
Atention,a healthy individual takes as much water as he needs for a satisfying feeling of thirst.
Consume more water (more that your body feels to consume) whit an increased activity,hot environment (more sweating) and conditions associated with excessive fluid loss,otherwise in certain conditions (dietary or healthy) you can create water retantion.