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Toxoplasmosis-Sources of infection

This infection is caused by a microscopic parasite that can live inside the cells of humans and animals,especially in cats and farm animals.

Pleople can catch toxoplasmosis from:
-touching or coming in contact with infected cat feces
-eating raw or uncooked meat that's contaminted
-eating unwashed fruits or vegetables that have been contaminted
-being born with it (the women infected by toxoplasmosis pass the parasite on her unborn child)
The infection doesn't spread from person to person (only from pregnant to featus).

Toxoplasmosis pass from animal to person sometimes without any symptoms.The symptoms may appear in base of age or imunity system status.
-congenital toxoplasmosis (in which the child become infected before birth)
-toxoplasmosis with week imune system.