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Cat Scratch Disease-Signs and Symptoms

The cat scratch disease is a bacteria infection caused by recently indentified gram-negative bacteria (Bartonella Henselvae),commonly transmited by scratch of the cats,but may be also introduced by thorms or spinters.
The disease appears much often in fall or winter and more is diagnosed in case of kids-they play more with cats and they get biten or scratched.
Fleas spread the bacteria between cats.
The bacteria lives in infected cats saliva and they can care the bacteria months (the cats don't have the symptoms of sickness).
Is considerated that almost half of cats have this bacteria,especially those more younger.

Signs and Symptoms:
A small bump develop several days after the scratch or bite and can be mistaken for a bug bite.This bump is a wound at the site where the bacteria enter the body.This lesions are not painful.
Usually after a couple of weeks after the scratch or bite appears more lymph nodes close to the area of lesion,that swell and become tender.
Although the lesion is on the leg,this nodes will appear most often in the underarm or neck area,if the lesion is in the arm the nodes can appear in elbow and the armpit will swell.
The skin over these swollen lymph nodes become worm and red and occasionally can drain pus.
The symptoms may include fever,fatigue,loss of appetite,headache,rash.

If these symptomes exist try warm,moist compresses or give your child ibuprofen as imediate care.Most recomanded is to address to a doctor,for a sure diagnosis and treatment.