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ACUTE APPENDICITIS-Causes ans Symptoms

Acute appendicitis is more common in males and usually occurs between 20-30 years,rare in old ages and in children below 5 years.

Predisposing Factors:

-Obstruction : it may be due to hard faeces,adhesions,kinking and parasites.
-Anatomical Factors: a narrow lumen and its wall is rich in lymphoid follicles.
-Septic Focus from which organisms are carried to the lymphoid follicles.
-Diet: High protein and low fibres diet predisposes to constipation,which leads to stasis of colon.
-Route of Infection: Usually from the lumen and rarely blood or lymphatic spread.
-Organisms: Usually E.Coli,streptococs.

Are known 2 types of appendicitis:

1.Acute obstructive appendicitis:(the most common).This produce ra[idly progressive severe inflammation that can lead to gangrene and perforation.
2.Acute Non-Obstructive Appendicitis:(less common).Produce mild slowly progressive inflammation.


Usually is about a recent constipation or history of similar attacks.
Appear colicky pain in obstructive type and dull aching in non abstructive type.The pain become acute.
It is aggravated by movements or cough.
At first the pain is generalized abdominal and most marked around the umbilicus (both appendix and umbelicus are supplied by the 10th thoracic segment of the spinal cord).
Appears distension of appendix and visceral pain.
After 6-10 hours pain localises in the right inferior part of abdomen.
Appears nausea in non obstructive type and vomiting in obstructive type.Vomiting occurs once or twice only and if persistant it indicates complications.