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Birth Injuries-Prevention

Birth injuries are the first potential risk to which the infant is exposed during labour.The severe cases may be fatal,usually neonatal.
Nonfatal injuries may recover,or cause varied forms and degrees of disability.
The birth injuries can be prevent by:
MATERNAL CARE:preconceptional,early prenatal,natal,and interpregnancy care for safety of labour and favourable outcome of pregnancy.
1.Preconceptional Care:to fulfil requirements of health promotion and prevention and control of morbidity.
2.Early Prenatal Care:
-satisfying requirement of maternal and foetal health,including adequate nutrition.
-early screening and management of high risk pregnancy,so as to avoid or minimize the risk of difficult labour.
-lowering the incidence of preterm and low birth weight(would otherwise be exposed to higher risk of birth injuries)
3.Natal Care for safe delivery.
4.Interpregnancy Care:family planning service for optimal pregnancy service for optimal pregnancy spacing(3 years),specially unfavourable outcome,for the benefit of next pregnancy.