Tabacco smoking is a faulty social habit.
It is rapidly spreading in developing countries.
Tabacco smoking is responsible for higher incidence of morbidity and mortality!
Factors that influence the effects of smoking:
-form of smoking:cigarettes are the most risky,while cigar and piper are much less.
-quality of tabacco:low grade tabacco contains more nicotine and tar.
-age of starting:the earlier,the more the risk of smoking is.
-period of continued smoking and number of smoked cigarettes a day.
-smoking process:lenght of cigarettes,how much of it is smoked,number of taken puffs and extent of smoke inhalation.
The effects of smoking are caused by:
-tabacco contents:nicotine,tar,other hurmful substances that may be carcinogenic.
-products of burning tabacco,specially carbon monoxide.
The effects of cigarettes smoking:
1.Malignancy:cancer lung,cancer larynx,mouth,pharynx,esophagus,bladder and others.
2.Cardiovascular disease:smoking is a risk factor of cardiovascular disease,peripheral vascular disease and thromboagitis obliterans(Berger's disease).
3.Respiratory diseases:cancer lung and other parts,chronical bronchitis,asthma.
4.Peptic ulcer
5.Unfavourable outcome of pregnancy:increased risk of aborsion and congenital hazard.
The passive smoking:
The inhalation of tabacco smoke by nonsmokers make a risk for nonsmokers,this chategory being exposed to the effects of smoking too.
This effects depends on:
-extent of smoking:number of smokers,and heaviness of smoking.
-duration,frequency and circumstances of exposure.
For this reasons is necessary to exist special places for smokers.
The smoking can be controled by antismoking programs.The basic lines are education programs,enforced restrictions and management of smokers.
The education program has to give full knoledge of the problem and helth risks of smoking and has to address to the public in general,students and providers of medical care and social service.High-risk groups as cardiovascular cases of oral pill,diabetics,workers in asbestos industry and the obese.
Enforced restrictions has to be done by legislation,so the cigarettes packets on the market must give the nicotine and tar content of tabacco in milligram by cigarette.They have to warn that "SMOKING IS DENGEROUS TO HEALTH" and this is the responsability of smoker.
One other method to dicrease the smoke of the cigarettes is the restriction of the availabbility and sales of cigarettes to the young and restricting smoking in public places,offices and means of transport.
On stoping smoking,the risk of hazards declines progressively to retorn to nonsmoking level within 10 years.