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Complications of diabetes

The diabetes is a disturbance of carbohydrate metabolism characterised by hyperglicemia and glycosuria with secondary distorbance of protein and fat metabolism.Exist 2 types:
Insulin dependent diabetes-this was termed as "juvenile onset diabetes" and the factors responsable for this type of diabetes may be genetic,immunological and virus infection.
Non-insulin dependent diabetes-this was previously termed "maturity onset diabetes".Here is no insulin defienciecy,but the condition may be due to anti-insulins or due to abnormal quantity or quality of peripheral insulin receptions.Two factors may be responsable:genetic predisposition and obesity(the lifestyle).
For more information about particularities view the posting archive(Diabetes).
Complications of diabetes:
1.Skin complications:
-infection:multiple furuncles
-fungus infections:for exemple in ano-genital region and toe
-necrobiosis diabeticorum(skin condition,yallow tendency)
-carotinaemia:yallow coloration for exemple over the palm due to excessive intake of vegetables
-insulin lipodystrophy(skin condition characterized by the loss subcutaneous fat at the insulin injection places)
2.Cardiovascular complications:
-microangiopathy(hight blood glucose level cause blood vessels to take more glucose and like that the walls of the vessels become abnormal ticker and weaker)
-atherosclerosis(artery wall is thick and buil-up of fatty materials as colesterol
-ischemia(an absolute or relative shortage of the blood supply to an organ),gangrene(cell death)
3.Neurological complications:
-cerebral coma
-cerebral atherosclerosis
4.Spinal cord:
-diabetic lateral sclerosis
-transverse myelitis(disorder caused by an inflamamatory process of the grey and white matter of the spinal cord)
-post spinal artery occlusion
-produce pain,wasting,sensory loss
-sensory deep and superficial
-impotence,urinary incontinance
-postural hypotension
-increase sweating and later anhydrosis
7.Urinary complictions:
-kidney stones
-Kimmelstiel-wilson syndrome(kidney disease in chronical diabetes)
8.Ocular complications:
-diabetic retinophaty in juvenile and long standing cases
-diabetic cataract
-nervous complications of the eye
9.Respiratory complications:
-pulmonar infections for exemple tuberculosis
-dyspnea,air hunger and acetone odor during ketosis
10.Gastro-intestinal complications:
-beefy tongue
-gingivitis and dental caries
-dyspepsia(known as upset stomach or indigestion)
-nausea,vomiting and abdominal pain during ketosis
-fatty livergall stone
11.Genital complications:
-in males impotence
-in females:menorragia,sterility,pruritus vulvae and skin infections,abortion,premature labour,delivery of big babies.