The vitamins and minerals are components essential for the human body and are necesary for the normal growth,metabolism and immune system and are fundamentally involved vital metabolic processes,where they usually serve as oxidizing and reducing agents and as essential factors in various enzyme systems.
For a good function of the human body are required:
1.VITAMIN A,is essential for the maintenance of the integrity of ephitelial tissue,normal growth of healthy epithelial of skin and mucous membranes.Vitamin A is known as "anti-infection vitamin",but once the infection occurs,the vitamin A has no effect against it.Vitamin A is a component of visual purple of the retina,that is needed for vision in low-intensity light.
Diety sources of vitamin A:
-animal foods:liver,egg yolk,whole milk and cheese,fatty fish.
-plant food:plants don't provide vitamin A but the vitamin procursor(provitamin) carotenes converts in the body into vitamin A.Carotenes are found in pigments of most vegetable and fruits(green,yallow,red,orange).
2.VITAMIN D:is essential for bone metabolism,it regulates the intestinal absorbtion of both Calcium and Phosphates,which are important for bone and teeth formation and maintenance.Vitamin D2 and D3 are steroids having antirachitic effects.D3(the natural form)is produced by irradiation of the skin,on exposure to ultraviolet rays of the sun and vitamin D2 is not found in nature,but prepared by ultraviolet irradiation of ergosterol.
Dietary sources of vitamin D:
-oil-rich salt water fish(sardines and salmon),liver,egg yolk
3.VITAMIN E:it is the most essential antioxidizing agent.Accordingly ,it is essentioal for the maintenance of the cellular functions,minimizing the hurmful effect of pulluatants ,smoking,etc.
Sources of vitamin E:
-wheat-germ oil,egg yolk and liver
4.VITAMINS B(B1,B2,B6,B12):this group of vitamins act either alone or as structural components in catalytic systems of carbohydrates ,proteins and aminoacids metabolism,also in synthesis of DNA ,maturation of red blood cells,nerve cell function and oxidation-reduction biological reaction.
Dietary sources:plants and animals food,except B12 which is provided by animal food only.
-animal food:egg yolk,meat,organ meat.
-plant food:whole grain cereals,nuts,green vegetables.
5.VITAMIN C:is responsible for regineration of epithelial tissues,cartilage osteroid tissues,capilaries and blood vessels and lymphoid tissues and enhances the intestinal absorbtion of iron.
Sources:fruits and vegetables-citrus fruits,cauliflower,cabbage,tomatos,beans.