The Herpes Simplex
There are 2 types of herpes simplex virus:
-type I responsable for oral and labial rashes and for encephalitis.
-type II responsable for genital and neonatal infection.
The virus attacks the inferior frontal and temporal lobes and can be treate it with antiviral agent as Acyclovir.
Herpes Zoster
It is caused by Varicella Zoster virus which is identical to the virus of chicken pox.Herpes Zoster infection is a reactivation of latent zoster virus originally acquired in a childhood attack of chicken pox.
Reactivation is facilitated by an immune system weakened by:
-Hodjkin's disease
The virus invades the dorsal root ganglia of the spinal cord and/0r the cranial nerve sensory ganglia.
The clinical stage depends on the ganglion involved.
1.Dorsal root ganglion involvement:vascular rash,associated hurning painful sensation along the course of the affected nerve(dermatome distribution),motor weakness may occur due to spread of infection to the spinal cord.
2.Gasserian ganglion involvment
3.Genicular ganglion involvment
Post herpatic neurologia:pain persists for months or years after cure of the vesicles and is sometimes refractory to treatment.
-boric acid plus zinc oxide locally to the vesicles
-analgesics and antiphyretics
-antiviral agent
-injection of novocaine or phenol in the trigeminal ganglion or resection of the posterior root in the intractable pain.
All after the medical examination and prescription.