1.Hepatitis A Virus(HAV).This virus is mainly transmitted by contaminated food.It causes acute hepatitis which is self limited.It may rarely lead to fulminating hepatitis,but it does not cause chronical hepatitis or carrier states.The virus is shed in stools but not in semen,saliva or urine.
2.Hepatitis B Virus(HBV).This virus is transmitted by blood components as plasma.It can also be transmitted by infected needles as in case of intravenous drug addicts or by contaminated surgical instruments,dental instruments and shaving razors.Hemodyalisis(in uremic patients) and organ transplantation are other possible means of transmission.The virus is shed in orapharngeal secretion,in semen,in menstrual blood,in urine andin stools,therefore it can be transmitted by kissing and by sexual contact.Transplancental transmission is also possible.Illness may be acute hepatitis,fulminating hepatitis,carier state or chronic hepatitis.
3.Hepatitis C Virus(HCV).This virus was formerly termed "hepatitis non A non B virus".The virus is transmitted in the similar way to hepatitis B virus.It may cause acute hepatitis,fulminating hepatitis,carier state.
4.Hepatitis D Virus(HDV).This delta virus cannot infect person unless is already infected with hepatitis B virus.
5.Hepatitis E Virus(HEV).This virus is transmitted in the similar way to hepatitis A virus.It is transmitted by the fecals-oral route(contaminated food or drink).It cause acute hepatitis.The importance of hepatitis E virus is that can cause fulminating hepatitis in pregnant woman.
In case of hepatitis infection the liver is enlarged and yallowish green(bile stained) and the symptoms are:nausea,vomiting,abdominal pain fallowed by jaundice.