Normal humans show variations in the frequency of defection which varies from 3 times a day to once every 2-3 days.Change in bowl habits manifested by prolongation of the normal interval between defecation is defined as constipation.
Constipation causes slight anorexia mild abdominal disconfort and distention.These symptoms are not due to absorption of "toxic substances" becouse they are promptly relieved by evacuating the rectum.
Causes of constipation:
a)the most commun cause of constipation is inhibition of the natural defecation reflex initiated later on,is never as effective as that ar naturally for which reason peopleising who often inhibit their natural reflex are likely to become severelyconstipated.These people are advised not to inhibit the desire for defecation and to try to act regularly following breakfast to benefit from the gastrocolic reflex.
b)decrease in the colonic contractile activity which may resolt from:
-the diet is laking bulk,the amount of material in the colon is small and the colon is inactive.Including dietary fiber in diet in the form of fresh fruits and vegetables will stimulate the contractile activity of the colon by providing a larger volum of indigetable material.
-anxiety may be reflected by decrease in colonic activity leading to constipation and flatulance.
-lack of exercise and general weakness.