Acne vulgaris is a chronic inflammation of the piloswbaceous follicles.Appearce usually during puberty and clears round age of 25 years.Is situated on face,chest,back ana upper arm.Can have the fallowing forms:
-comedo:a hormy plug which fill the pilosebaceous follicle.The retained sebum will appear as a black head(open comedo) or withe head(close comedo0 when is non inflamed pore blacked with sebum.
-papule:a solid spot.
-pustule:a small accumulation of pus in epidermis
-cyst:a closed sac that may contain air,fluids,or semi-solid material.A collection of pus represents an abcess,not a cyst.Once formed,a cyst can go away on its own or have to be remouved through surgery.
-scar:a wound in the repairing proces of the skin.
Theories about the causes:
-acne fallow testosterone
-acne in females is usually exacerbated near menses
-progesteron therapy increase acne
-estrogen makes them disappear
3.Bacterian infection
4.Others:hypo or hypervitaminosis A,diets that contains chocolates,nuts,cheese and psychological facts.
-benzyl peroxide:is comedolytic if it used regularly and on long term basis.It has an antibacterian activity.
-sulpher in proportion of 2% in calamin lotion:it may unblock the obstructed hair follicle orifice.
-retinoic acid cream:it is a vitamin A derivated.
-topical antibiotics(Aknemycin).
-azelaic acid(Skinoren)
-antibiotics.they should be fat soluble.tetracycline or erythromycin 1gm/day for 2-4 weeks.
c)comedo extraction
e)intralesional corticosteroid:in cystic acne.