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HYPOGLYCEMIA -persistent decrease of blood glucose level below 45mg/dl.
Symptoms of hypoglycemia are due to two types of causes:
-Sympathetic overactivity(develop rapidly):due to discharge of adrenaline and include hunger,increased sweating,tachycardia and tremours.
-nervous system dysfunction(develop slowly):since practically glucose is te only fuel to brain and include headache,dizziness,confusion,convulsions,coma and even death.

Types of Hypoglycemia:
1.Fasting hypoglycemia-occurs during few to may hours of fasting.It is met with in:
-acute liver disease:acute extensive liver damage and afteranesthesia in patients with liver cirrhosis;
-Addison's disease:usully the fasting blood glucose is low normal or subnormal,but during starvation it progressively drops due to decreased gluconeogenesis.
-hypothyroidism:mild hypoglycemia may occurs in hypothyroidism during prolonged fasting.
2.Postprandial hypoglycemia:It develops only after meals and are met with in:
-rapid gastric evacuation
-hereditary fructose intolerance