Hyperprolactinaemia is the presence of abnormally hight levels of prolactin in the blood.Prolactine is a peptide hoemone produced by the anterior pituitary gland primarily associated with lactation and plays a vital role on breast developement during pregnancy.
Hyperprolactinaemia may cause prodaction and spontaneous flow of breast milk and disruption on the normal menstrual period in woman and hypogonadism,infertility and erectile dysfunction on men.
-pregnancy,suckling and nipple stimulation
-prolactinomasacromegaly(benign tumour to the gland that produce the prolactin hormon) and hypotalamo-hypophyseal tumour
-primary myxedema(dermal edema)
-renal failure
-opiates(narcotic opioid found in opium plant)
-metocopramide and cimetidine
-methyl dopa and reserpine
-Galactorrhea:spontaneous flow of milk brom the breast unassociated with childbirth or nursering.
-Oligomenorrhea or amenorrea:the absence of the menstrual period in a woman in reproductive age.
-Decreased libido,deacreased potency and subfertility
-Delayed puberty in the peripubertal patient
The medical investigation has to view the prolactin level,realize a visual field,X-ray skull,C.T and MRI for pituitary tumours.
Bromocriptine wil decrease prolactinaemia and the pituitary tumour removed surgical or by irradiation.